
The Surprising Truth About the Lies You Tell Yourself

Your negative voices actually have some truth to them.

Those voices that say things like:

“You aren’t as good of a leader as so-and-so.”

“You can’t sell like Joe. He’s the top salesman.”

Those voices are often right. Yes, Mr. Positivity is telling you that those negative voices are often grounded in truth. But they are missing one word. That’s what makes them lies. We’ll get to that shortly.

You aren't who you are called to be yet
You aren’t who you are called to be…YET. (Tweet That) | Share this Graphic on Pinterest | Share on Facebook

My book vs. my voices: The battle within

As I stepped out into the cold night air, foolishly forgetting that I no longer live in the south and wearing only shorts, a T-Shirt, and slippers, a horrifying thought gripped me.

Your book won’t be good enough. You can’t write like a bestselling author. Who are you to think you can write like that?”

29 Things Successful People Never Say

There are certain things that no successful person ever says.

Successful people are intentional about the words they speak, to themselves and to others.

My dreams can wait - success quote “My dreams can wait.” Said no successful person ever. #SuccessNeverSays (Tweet That) | Share this Graphic on Pinterest | Share on Facebook

Below are 29 things successful people never say. It is by no means a complete list, so I want to hear from you.