
Get Clear On Your Role To Create RAVING Fans!

by | Dec 21, 2022 | Articles, Books, Entrepreneurship

Yesterday, I wrote about the importance of CREATING raving fans.

In case you missed it, you can read it here.

In my book, Turn Your Passions Into Profits, I share TEN ways to go about creating raving fans.

These are very SPECIFIC ways…not theories or generalities.

Of course, if you want ALL ten ways…well, you gotta grab a copy of the book here:

Pre-order Turn Your Passions Into Profits and get $785 in bonuses – time is running out!

But, I’m going to share the MOST important way here so you can get your followers to LOVE you…

Get clear on your role…

Once you have identified WHO you help, it’s time to clarify your role in helping them.

In the book, I cover the seven archetypal roles…

…which one are you?

  • Are you the “Master Maestro”…the seasoned veteran in your industry who leads with authority, power, and prestige? (think Gandalf in Lord of the Rings or Yoda in Star Wars.)
  • Or the “Hesitant Hero”…who has a humble origin story and leads from a place of awe and wonder? (Think Spider-Man or Frodo in Lord of the Rings.)
  • Maybe you’re the “Jolly Journeyman”…and you’re only one step ahead of your followers and simply share what you discover along the way? (Picture Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz or Harry Potter.)
  • How about the “Eager Enthusiast”…who leads with passion and enthusiasm. (Luke Skywalker and Tarzan, for example.)
  • Could be you’re the “Venerable Visionary”…leading with innovation, creativity, and wonder. (A real-life example would be Steve Jobs. From fiction, think of Willy Wonka.)
  • You might choose to be the “Revolutionary Rebel”…who is mad as hell at the status quo, and you’re not gonna take it anymore. (Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games, Indiana Jones, and Ferris Bueller come to mind.)
  • Lastly, you could be the “Cordial Caregiver”…who leads with love and generosity and has a strong desire to protect your flock. (Mary Poppins and Obi-Wan Kenobi are great examples.)

What role you pick DOESN’T matter…the key is to pick one and stick to it!

Don’t play the Hesitant Hero one day and then be the Master Maestro the next.

Your audience won’t know if you are truly leading with awe and wonder or if you are the leading expert who knows the answer already.

If you go from Cordial Caregiver to Revolutionary Rebel, your audience will rebel…against you!

They came because you are loving and soothing, not because you take on the establishment.

After you decide what role you’re going to own, make sure that EVERY piece of content, EVERY message, and EVERY product fits that role.

Once you know your role, then what?

What actions do you need to take?

Tomorrow…I’m going to share 3 specific actions you can take right now to create RAVING FANS

In the meantime, you can learn how to create your avatar, attract your audience, build a community, and leverage your knowledge and expertise to create a profitable business in my book, Turn Your Passions Into Profits.

You can pre-order your copy RIGHT NOW and get nearly $1,000 in exclusive bonuses…including a bonus lesson on creating your avatar…but you only get the bonuses if you order soon!

CLICK HERE to pre-order your copy of Turn Your Passions Into Profits and get $785 in exclusive pre-order bonuses!

If you missed the other posts in this excerpt series from my upcoming book Turn Your Passions Into Profits, find them here:

  1. How to Create RAVING Fans in Your Business…Your Next Level Avatar
  2. Get Clear On Your Role To Create RAVING Fans!
  3. 3 SPECIFIC Ways To Create Raving Fans


Text me anytime at (260) 217-4619.

Or…check out some of my free reports to help you get on the right track:

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