There are certain things that no successful person ever says. Successful people are intentional about the words they speak, to themselves and to others.
My dreams can wait - success quote
“My dreams can wait.” Said no successful person ever. #SuccessNeverSays (Tweet That) | Share this Graphic on Pinterest | Share on Facebook

Below are 29 things successful people never say. It is by no means a complete list, so I want to hear from you.

Leave a comment below with what you would add. You can also tweet it using the hashtag #SuccessNeverSays.

29 Things Successful People Never Say

I never failed along the way.

My dreams can wait.

I never thought about quitting.

Everyone believed in me.

No one believed in me.

I did it all by myself.

I relied on others.

I never lost any sleep.

It’s too late to start.

There’s plenty of time to start.

Everyone thought it was a good idea.

It was always fun.

It was no fun.

I’ve kept all the same friends.

I never celebrate the little milestones.

I listen to my doubters.

I listen to no one.

This is what my parents wanted for me.

I avoid conflict.

I never learned to delegate.

I watch a lot of TV. (OK this doesn’t apply to people whose career is in TV)

I let things like email, social media, and phone calls distract me.

I keep quiet.

I speak exactly what is on my mind.

I never ask for help.

I never cry.

I said yes to everyone.

I said no to everyone.

I’ve got it all figured out.

Action item: Think of things that you say to yourself and others that you need to stop saying. Then stop saying them.Action item 2: Tweet about that or something else successful people never say. Include the hashtag #SuccessNeverSays. Below are some images you can post on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

What do you need to stop saying to yourself and others to be more successful?


Please share these images (they are larger sized when you post them):


 "I've got it all figured out." Said No Successful Person Ever "I never celebrate the little milestones." Said No Successful Person Ever "I did it all by myself." Said No Successful Person Ever
(Pin to Pinterest)(Tweet Quote w/ Image) (Pin to Pinterest)(Tweet Quote w/ Image) (Pin to Pinterest)(Tweet Quote w/ Image)
 "Everyone thought my idea was great." Said No Successful Person Ever  "I listen to my doubters." Said No Successful Person Ever  "I never lost any sleep." Said No Successful Person Ever
(Pin to Pinterest)(Tweet Quote w/ Image) (Pin to Pinterest)(Tweet Quote w/ Image) (Pin to Pinterest)(Tweet Quote w/ Image)
 "I never ask for help." Said No Successful Person Ever  "I said YES to everyone." "I said NO to everyone." Said No Successful Person Ever  "I never failed along the way." Said No Successful Person Ever
(Pin to Pinterest)(Tweet Quote w/ Image) (Pin to Pinterest)(Tweet Quote w/ Image) (Pin to Pinterest)(Tweet Quote w/ Image)
 "I never thought about quitting." Said No Successful Person Ever  "It's too late to start." Said No Successful Person Ever  "This is what my parents wanted for me." Said No Successful Person Ever
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16 thoughts on “29 Things Successful People Never Say

  1. Jon Stolpe says:

    Great post and reminder, Matt. Success is not easy. It takes hard work with failures along the way.

  2. Let's Grow Leaders says:

    I’m printing this one out. Thanks.

  3. Kimunya Mugo says:

    It seems I have not lost my marbles yet! This is a real encouragement to me as I begin my journey as an entrepreneur.

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      That’s awesome Kimunya!

      What kind of business are you starting?

      1. Kimunya Mugo says:

        Helping individuals and organization find the Communication, Branding, Leadership nexus. Without one, the other two cease to exist in their entirety.

        We are developing an app to coach parents on how to become better leaders at home. The same principles can be adopted for the workplace. I’m also an author and write a blog, LeadByChoice.

        It has been a steep learning curve and the urge to quit has been strong. But we have a vision firmly set…

      2. Matt McWilliams says:

        Love that Kimunya! Well done.

  4. Mike Kawula says:

    Love these Matt and yes: My Dreams Can’t Wait!
    Each of these are so true.

  5. Brett Thompson says:

    I’m always right.

    1. Brett Thompson says:

      To be clear that was something I need to STOP saying/thinking and something that no successful people say.

  6. Steve Pate says:

    “When this or that happens then I can get started”….Some times true but most of the time its a personal mental road block.

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      Yep. When I ___ or When ___ happens is death.

  7. Kirbie Earley says:

    “I’ll do it tomorrow”

  8. Heidi Bender says:

    I need to stop making up artificial goals that are really just a form of fear and/or procrastination. For example, just this week I convinced myself that I needed to wait until I have X amount of Twitter followers before taking another action. Successful people would not wait!

  9. Zechariah Newman says:

    Great post Matt. I get distracted way to easily. I don’t say it’s a good thing but need to stop:) oh shinny thing.

  10. Kent Julian says:

    LOVE THIS POST! So good. I was trying to pick a favorite, but couldn’t. All are great. BOOM.

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