
I got a great question recently from an affiliate of Michael Hyatt about selling to a reluctant audience. Her audience is not conditioned to buy and she was worried about convincing them to buy the course without upsetting them.

This question came from Arabah Joy, who wrote:

I blog in the Christian living niche, notorious for not wanting to buy and worse, for thinking “ministries” should offer everything for free. I get hate mail over that all the time.

So. I know pitching a $147 product is going to be tricky.

I’ve done okay with optins but I’m not expecting my sales conversions to do so well. I’m wondering if you have any tips for pitching to this particular audience?

Watch the video above to learn how to sell to even the most reluctant audiences.

Don’t read hate mail. Haters gonna hate. Delete it and move on.

RELATED VIDEO: Worried About Unsubscribes During a Promotion? Watch This.

What would you tell someone who worries about selling to reluctant audiences?

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8 thoughts on “How to Sell Affiliate Offers to a Reluctant Audience

  1. Dan Miller says:

    With either definition, HGH is gonna make me grow. Bring it on!

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      LOL Dan! That was funny right there (and very TRUE!)

  2. Neil Schultz says:

    Thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity in creating this video. I know I’m new at affiliate marketing (as of this moment, I have a total of 2,260 clicks on my BYE links and 19 opt-Ins with 0 sales so far), and this video seems to have been created just for me (sorry Arabah!), as I am targeting Christian ministers! They’re an even TOUGHER crowd to sell to.

    I press on in spite of unsubscribers and non-buyers. I believe one day I’ll make a sale!

    The Biblical reference by the way was 1 Timothy 5:18, “For Scripture says, “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain,” and “The worker deserves his wages.” That was fun to watch that part.

    Excellent job, Matt. Thank you so much!

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      Hey Neil,

      Sounds like a lot of social media clicks. Gotta get email clicks. They convert to optins at 30 to 1 over social and into sales at 120 to 1.

      WHY are they tougher to sell to though?

      Tough love here…ARE they really tougher to sell to? Do they eat out? Do they buy bibles? Do they buy clothes?

      My point is you HAVE TO STOP SAYING THINGS LIKE THAT! STOP saying they are tough to sell to.

      OK, rant over and it’s late…SO glad the video helped and I want you to succeed BIG TIME in 2017 man. REALLY DO!

  3. Brittany @ EquippingGodlyWomen says:

    Thanks for taking the time to record this. I’m in the exact same predicament as Arabah (we were actually chatting about this exact topic together last week!), so it was really great to hear your perspective as well, as someone who is much further along than we are!

    1. Matt McWilliams says:

      Small world Brittany 🙂

      And very glad it helped!

  4. Cloris Kylie says:

    Awesome tips for anyone selling online, Matt–whether they have a “reluctant audience” or not. It’s about being completely transparent and setting up expectations right from the start, Thank you!

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