As much as you wish it wasn’t true, sometimes your affiliates don’t have months or even weeks to plan your affiliate promotion for you. How, then, do you still get them to go all out and max out their sales? Today’s episode shows you exactly how to get your affiliates to promote in a short timeframe.
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Previous Episodes of The Affiliate Guy
How to Motivate Your Affiliates to Sell More
How to Double Your Affiliate Program in 90 Days
How to Start an Affiliate Program: The First 30 Days
How to Avoid the Most Common Affiliate Marketing Mistakes
Why Your Affiliate Program is Failing (And What to Do About It)
How to Get Your Affiliates to Promote on a Short Timeframe
As much as you wish it wasn’t true, sometimes your affiliates don’t have months or even weeks to plan their affiliate promotion for you. So how then do you still get them to go all out and max out their sales when there’s a short time frame?
Well, today’s episode shows you exactly how to get your affiliates to promote in a short time frame.
So throughout the podcast, I mean, in so many episodes, I’ve talked about how you got to get affiliates to commit early and plan, do all these things months or weeks in advance.
We love it when affiliates can plan months in advance or even just a few weeks in advance, but sometimes it’s not possible. Sometimes we get them to commit last minute, and sometimes they forget. Sometimes life gets in the way. Sometimes they have other stuff going on for the couple of months before your promotion, and they have to come in last second. And so in this episode, my team and I talked about a time when we had to plan a last-minute promo, something that we added at the last possible second. Not because we did anything wrong, not because they did anything wrong.
It was just one of those circumstances we talked about in the episode, but it was just one of those circumstances where we ended up doing this last-minute promo. It was not on our content calendar for weeks or months in advance. We had to fit it in amongst our other stuff, so we didn’t get to go all out all out. Although we ended up doing great, I think we ended up being like, the number two affiliate and made over $5,000. I mean, again, for a last-minute promo, it was awesome. I think the number 7200 was what we made or something, and we won a couple of prizes, and that was cool.
So we ended up doing great. So this is an episode that my team and I did a few years ago. It was part of our premium membership at the time, and so I wanted to make it open to the public.
So if you hear me talk about things like we’re talking, we were kind of in the midst of COVID then, so if you hear me talk about that, don’t think that’s weird. If we talk about the membership itself, don’t think that’s weird. Again, this was all part of our premium membership that we used to run, and now that we’ve opened up that vault, we’re able to make this available to the public.
So the lessons are still applicable. Again, we’re approaching this from an affiliate standpoint, but the lessons are applicable. So let’s dive right in and learn how to get our affiliates to still go all out for us, even though they’re on a short timeframe.
All right, guys, welcome to this month’s Backstage Pass. It’s Robby and I. There is no Matt, as you could probably tell, and he is sad to miss you, but could make it today.
So we’re going to be talking to you today about a recent promo we did, which was a little bit different than some of the other promos we’ve done. Robby, for a couple reasons, and we’re going to get into that. But you may have seen us promote a little bit of this, but it was virtual summit formula, and I had to remember what that was as we were getting ready to start recording, remember exactly what the name was, but it was a virtual summit formula from our friends, Jason and Cecilia.
Hilke. You may have heard the interview we did with them, or The Facebook Live or the emails. We’re going to be talking about all of that today and how we promoted that, why we promote it, and kind of some of the results of that, that you can take and utilize in your business.
And I think you might be noticing a theme with some of these things. I mean, Robby, we’re going to talk about some of the stuff we always talk about because, well, it’s important, and it’s something you should be doing. And so we’re going to keep hitting on it because they really are the reasons that we’re finding success.
And we have success because we do these things. So, Robby, starting off with this Mean, I guess, what did we do? Because we kind of want to say we were earlier than we were with other stuff.
But Mean, I guess you could tell me better than I could, but we did some things that we don’t normally do with this one, as far as starting early and promoting.
Robby: Yeah. On this one, we hit the content calendar early.
We actually agreed to promote it later than we usually promote a lot of things. That’s right.
Person: Yeah.
Robby: And so we added it to our calendar. We were able to fit it in, but the only way we were able to fit it in was overlapping it with another promotion we were doing. And it was one of our bigger promotions of the year, too.
So what we ended up doing is like we usually do, we switch over to emailing, just the opt ins for a close cart, and then everybody else, anybody who hadn’t expressed interest in that other promotion. What we did was we started seeding this Virtual Summit Formula promotion because it was also difficult because the other one was using Quiz funnels. Right?
Quiz funnels are the absolute best way to grow your business, to grow your list. And then we were doing this one right back to back that said, virtual summits are the best way to grow your business. So we had to be really careful with messaging because they both can’t be the best.
And it was a difficult kind of tightrope walk as Matt and I taught content. But we ended up taking the approach of if quizzes aren’t your thing, if you’re much more interactive with people, if you want to offer something free to your audience, then virtual summits are the way to go because there’s so much value up front. So we really staggered how we rolled this out, and we were careful with the language as we began to start the promo.
Person: Well, I think that’s something that we always kind of hit on it, but I think it’s important to realize that the angle you take and the reason that you’re offering something to your audience is really, really important, and it can make or break your promotion, even if you’re not overlapping like we were this time. Just thinking through and thinking about. Why would my audience think about that Avatar that we always talked about?
Why would my audience be interested in this? And I think that just really comes back to the importance of when you’re promoting something as an affiliate, making sure that it really does serve your audience and having that conversation and thinking about, why would my avatar for us, it’s Pete. Why would Pete be interested in virtual stumbles?
Why would he want to know about a virtual summit? Having that conversation allows you to make those distinguishing factors, whereas a lot of people might look at it and said, well, we can’t. I mean, they’re competing, and they’re kind of competing in a lot of ways.
Why would we promote them both? Well, it’s finding the way to do that. And the other thing that I thought, Robby, when you were talking is we’ve talked about this previous, basically, but having promo specific opt outs.
Some of these people probably hadn’t seen an email for Quiz Funnel Masterclass for a few weeks because they had raised their hand and said, ‘Hey, I’m not interested.’ So while to us, it feels like we were overlapping and we’re promoting things back to back to some people, they hadn’t seen anything from us as far as promotional for a couple of weeks, probably, or a few days. So that’s where segmenting is valuable.
Robby: Yeah, that’s dead on. And what we do is every time we do a promotion, we have promotional emails and promotional content, and then we always have our broadcast content and keeping these two things separate. So people on our list were still getting nurtured.
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They were still getting the podcast, they were still getting the Facebook Live messages, so they’re getting all our content. They just were not getting the heavy promotion because they had not raised their hand and said, ‘Hey, I want this.’ And that was a big deal.
Like you pointed out, these people hadn’t seen us promote hard. And so we could reasonably say again, ‘Hey, virtual summits are an incredible way to grow your list and we think this is a great opportunity for you.’ If they opted out, they opted out. But overall we were able to keep more of our list interested.
Person: Well, I think that’s a good point too, and I hadn’t thought about that, but it seems like when somebody’s promoting something, you either get, I think, 3432 emails from them about the same thing, or you get nothing. And I think that’s what we used to be guilty of.
We’ve been doing promo specific opt outs for quite a while now, but where we fell down was then that meant we went radio silent on some people for two to three weeks and that’s not something you want to do either. So I think the fact that Robby, you really helped us to fine tune that so that it’s not a matter of, okay, you’re not interested in that. It’s kind of like when you kind of give somebody the cold shoulder and it’s like, hey, are you interested in this? No. All right, fine, I’m not talking to you for two. Like you don’t want that experience either.
These people are still interested in what you’re normally talking about. And I would say, and Robby, tell me if you think differently, but maybe you don’t have a big team and you can’t not that we have a massive team or anything, but maybe it’s just by yourself and you don’t have time to create extra stuff.
I mean, even if you went back and found a post that you did six months ago or eight months ago or twelve months ago, and you just schedule those for those people, anybody that’s not getting those emails, schedule something old that maybe they haven’t seen. Or it makes sense for them now. Just something so that they stay engaged with you, rather than just thinking that you’re mad at them because they’re not interested in whatever you’re promoting at that time.
Robby: Right. And like I said, you have promotional content and then you have broadcast content and that broadcast content can be anything you have sometimes that can just be a, ‘Hey, I want to know more about you, just reply to this email.’ And a lot of times those are the ones that it’s just a one off email that can have massive impact on you because you’re really understanding that avatar better.
And another thing I was just thinking about with this is that make sure you stick to some sort of consistent schedule because people will know and to expect your emails and then when you’re promoting, sending those extra emails is the way to look at.
Person: I feel like we kind of jumped back in Click funnel Masterclass for a second, but we did the same thing with Virtual Summit formula, too, when people opted out, we still had that type of stuff. So you mentioned, Robby, that we actually did. We jumped into promoting this later than we anticipated, and it was kind of interesting because we had had something else on our calendar at that time, and things had changed and had gotten moved around.
And Jason and Cecilia are actually clients of ours. They’re in our Your fafiliate Launch Coach Program. And they had mentioned this program, and initially, Robby, when you and I had talked to them, we’re, you know, we’ll see what we can do.
We’ll be able, know, get an email in or too, but we have this other thing coming up, and they were super appreciative, like, ‘Oh, great, that’d be awesome.’ But then things moved around. We said, ‘Hey, actually, we can jump in full, and we can promote for you.’
And I think it’s important to talk about why we did that, because we talk a lot about how our calendars booked out six to nine months, and honestly, there is probably less than five people that there’s probably a few more than that. It’s somebody really big, and it would make a difference, but there’s very few people that we would drop into our calendar that quickly. And the reason is that they’re clients and they’re friends, and that’s really valuable.
And I think so much of what we do in business is, you know, Jason and Cecilia had this program coming up. They asked for us for we were going to do as much as we could, and then when we could do more, we were willing to do that because of that relationship, because we liked them, quite honestly. Part of it was because we knew how they were going to run their affiliate program.
We knew we were going to get the stuff we needed. We knew the things they were going to give us. It was kind of meta because it was super meta, because we weren’t coaching them on this program, but we coached them on their other program, their Summits that they do. So it was like we were coaching them, but not coaching them. And it was like your affiliates.
Robby: It was really cool, though, to see from an affiliate side, like what we have taught them through the coaching program, how it actually plays out when somebody does what we coach.
And for us to remember what it feels like to be an affiliate for somebody else in the long term, that helps us coach better, because we can see those things that it’s so easy to miss.
Person: Yeah, it’s easy to look at it. And they send an email, and it’s not like we’re like, oh, jeez, that was a terrible email. It’s like we realize, oh, we didn’t teach them that. We should probably teach them that. Next time.
So you’re right. And it was cool because I’ve seen this as we’re coaching people, they become our friends. We’ve got to know them really well.
So it was really fun and I think gratifying for me to be able to turn around and support them in that way.
Robby: Definitely.
Person: I think they would say, and I would agree that we’ve given them a ton of value, and it’s certainly been worth it, the coaching we’ve given them.
But it’s different to be able to turn around and then promote them and to share something that they’re doing and kind of toot their horn a little bit and brag on them a little bit, which kind of leads into one of the first things we did which was we did that podcast interview.
And maybe you heard it, maybe you didn’t. If you haven’t, Robby and I were talking about this beforehand. Go back and listen, because Matt actually included the bloopers from that.
Robby: It was one of the first time that he’s ever included bloopers, and apparently…
Person: It was, like, a long, long time ago but, yeah,
Robby: He got a bunch of emails about how awesome it was and, yeah, it was just fun.
Person: But, I mean, that was something because, like you said, we started kind of under the gun a little bit because we didn’t have the long runway, because we decided last minute. But I remember we had this conversation.
The things moved around in our calendar. I think three of us were on a planning meeting call, and we were talking about it, and Matt’s like, maybe we should do an interview with them. And it was literally I think we were meeting on Thursday.
He’s like, let’s see if they can meet, like, next Monday, right? And it was just, you know and so we messaged them and said, ‘Hey, can we do an interview early next week?’ We want to release it and get people interested, to get them excited.
And we talk about that, it seems like every time, because that’s something that I would say we’re pretty good at, like getting those interviews early, whether it’s a Facebook Live or it’s a podcast. But it wouldn’t have been easy for us to say, we don’t have time. This is last minute.
We can’t really get it done. But those are so valuable, just giving your audience an opportunity to get to know them, to know them as people, to laugh. And that’s one of the things that I think Matt’s done really well recently, is just making a conversation, having the type of interview where you do have bloopers, like, we’re laughing around, we’re joking, we’re having a good time.
And I think that’s really valuable because people really they buy you. They buy the person behind the product as much as the product.
Robby: Yeah, definitely. And we did the same thing with the Facebook Live. We were doing a Facebook Live just a couple of days after the podcast went live. And so we were like, ‘Hey, by the way, we’re doing a Facebook Live about your summit. Do you have the ability to jump on with us?’ And we said, it’s an open invitation. We’re going to be on talking about this. Feel free to come interrupt us, even. We want our audience to know who you are. And you can do this with any promotion.
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And I know Matt’s talked about this before, I think, in other backstage passes, but how you can interview the product creator, how you can interview somebody who’s had success with the product if you’ve never personally used it. You can use the testimonials from the website. So there’s all kinds of ways to do your affiliate promotions to invite people onto whatever your content medium is.
And it doesn’t always I know we always talk planning, planning, planning, planning, but this one, it worked because we had the relationship, but there was a certain amount of flexibility in our plans where and this is something Matt has taught me, he’s always telling, ‘Oh, Robby did this, Robby,’ whatever. Okay, I get it. But at the same time, he’s taught know, hey, let’s be more spontaneous.
Like, can we do this? Is it possible? And I think that was a key takeaway, was, is it possible? Can we at least try to get them on? If they say no, we’ll do the Facebook Live without them. We’ll do the podcast without them.
But if they say yes, all of a sudden it helps us promote them. And it’s this whole circle of affiliate.
Person: And along those same lines, because I thought the same thing, I was like, man, we always talk about planning, planning, planning. And we’re like, ‘oh, we did this last minute.’
Robby: I’m going to have to put that in the email for this whole backstage pass. This one is not just about planning.
Person: But I think part of that is the fact that it goes back to, is it jocko Willink that says there’s freedom and discipline.
And I think it’s the fact that we have done so many times, we consistently do these interviews with people before promotion and stuff that allowed us to then last minute be like, hey, let’s do an interview with them, because we’d done it over and over and over again. We knew the type of questions we asked. We knew the process and the flow with those.
We knew what it was going to lead to. We knew how we were going to talk about it. And so I think as you create those plans, it gives you and we’ve talked about the little bit, having that process, having that checklist, having those plans, gives you the ability to then adjust as you need to.
But it also gives you the ability to apply things in the plan that maybe you don’t have time to do it the normal way in a much more condensed version. And that’s kind of what we did with this. I mean, it was, okay, we know what to do.
We know how we’re going to talk about it. We know what we’re going to promote, we know how we’re going to encourage people to go to it on the back end. We know what links we have to have.
We knew all that because we’ve done this over and over again. So as you create those plans, it gives you that freedom to then adjust the plan and be a lot more condensed with it as necessary.
Robby: Right. Yeah. When you have procedures in place, it’s easier to just say, okay, here’s our podcast procedure, and then just go make it happen. It’s easier to say, we all have procedures, whether we perceive it or not.
So, I mean, it was a cool promotion, and this was us from the affiliate side. Maybe we could share with some of the members here, like promoting as an affiliate what were some things about the way they ran their program that helped us, or things that we could do as affiliates that motivated us. You want to talk about that a little bit?
Person: Yeah. You emailed with them a lot, so what was that? I think you got that information, but I think one of the big things was, and we teach this, and they did a great job of it, was getting the stuff we needed to us.
It’s so funny, I can’t remember who was I talking to the other day. That darn it, I don’t remember who it was, but I was talking to somebody, and they were just talking about how different two different promotions were and how frustrating it was when things weren’t put together. It seems like such a small thing, but getting swipe copy to people early, and I think a lot of times the problem with that is you might get it to them as early as you would like it, but maybe not as early as they would like it.
I think we’ve got to that point now where we schedule or we write our emails a lot farther ahead than we typically have in the past. And so that’s one of the things that I think I really appreciate is they seem to go above and beyond in making sure we had what we needed and we had the benefit know, because they’re a client we have a slack channel with.
You know, it was the messages from Jason saying, ‘Hey, do you guys have need? What else do you need?’ From just I really felt like from my and like I said, you were the one getting the swipe copy and Matt was writing the emails and loading them. But from my perspective, they really felt like they were really trying to serve.
They wanted to make sure I felt like we were their only affiliate. I just felt like we want to make sure you have whatever you need.
And that’s super valuable. Like, just that attention and feeling like if I need something, I can reach out and say, ‘Hey, we need this, or can you get this for us?’
Robby: Right. And to think about that from the affiliate side. So next time you guys are promoting everybody who’s watching this, ask them ahead of time, can I get swipe copy? Can I get social share images?
Try and get everything you can as early as you can. That way you can do your planning and at the very least, if you know of things that you need and maybe they’re not even thinking about it. So you can influence their entire affiliate strategy just by asking them for things.
And they’re going to be incredibly thankful to you as just one of their affiliates. They’re going to be like, ‘Oh my gosh, how much extra revenue did we do? Because you told us something you needed.’
Person: You reminded me.
Robby: Yeah, exactly. We all need reminders. But just from a promotion side, as the affiliate, don’t think that you just have to only work with what they give you, right?
Person: Yeah.
Robby: You can request things from them and if they say, no, we don’t have that, then you go on your own and make it. We do that with bonus packages. We come up with our own bonus package to support the affiliate promo, and I think we’ve got a bonus training on that in the members area here. But what can you do to go out of your way to promote these types of offers?
Person: I think the ancillary thing with that too, Robby, that I thought of, as you were saying it was it indicates to that person that you’re serious and they’re going to treat you differently. And I know we’ve seen that, like you said, with bonus packages, when we take the initiative and say, ‘Hey, we really want to do something special for a bonus package,’ is there any way let’s talk about what we can do that indicates to first the affiliate manager, but then also the course creator. And these people are like, they’re in it to do the best they can.
And I think the value of that for all of us as affiliates is we’re not all going to be number one in affiliate promotions. We’re just even, even Matt’s, not a lot of the time. But I don’t think that matters as much.
What I’ve seen from being on the affiliate side and us doing that and also being on the affiliate manager side is when somebody indicates to you because they’re saying, ‘Hey, is there any way I could get this? Is there any way I could get this?’ ‘Hey, I’d really like to do this,’ which means, ‘can you help me out with this part?’
It indicates to me that they’re going to do the best that they can. And really, that’s all you can ask from people. No affiliate manager is going to be annoyed if you have a list of 500 and you don’t send 1000 opt ins, like they get it, they understand.
But if you have a list of 500, you’re doing everything you can. That’s super valuable. The one thing I would say, and I’m sure this goes without saying, but I’m going to say it anyways, is the way you frame those questions is a big deal.
They’re saying, ‘Hey, is there any way I can get because we want to do this, because we think it’ll help’ versus, ‘Hey, I need my swipe copy by this day and I need this by this day and I need this.’ I’ll be honest, that’s annoying as an affiliate manager, because while we want to treat you like you’re the only affiliate, you’re not. And there’s a lot going on and there’s a lot of moving parts and so really framing it in that win win type of way, really framing the email or your request and the fact that, hey, I want to do the best I can for you, like, I want to show up.
And when you do that, you’re right, Robby, they will bend over backwards for you. They will do everything they can to help you out. But if they don’t know that you write your emails two weeks in advance, you might not get them that early, but if you just you know, we typically write our emails a couple weeks in advance.
Is there any way I can get the copy a little bit earlier? Most of the time they’ll do it, and we’ve had that experience where they’ll say, ‘Hey, there might be some changes to it. This isn’t the last version, so double check.’
Make sure there’s no we haven’t gone through the whole review process, but they’re usually willing to give you what they have and they’ll help you out anyway they can. So that’s a great point. Thank you for that wasn’t even on our list. It wasn’t. That’s a bonus for you.
Robby: Yeah, bonus. Backstage pass. So, I mean, that pretty much covers this promotion segmenting, warming people up early. I think the big key in this whole discussion today is about relationships, right?
How building that relationship with the affiliate manager really just changes your ability to promote.
Person: And I think too, along with those relationships, it’s being willing to break some rules for friends.
Robby: Yeah.
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Person: Because we really did it wasn’t detrimental to us, but if it was anybody else and they would have said, hey, we have a promotion coming up in three weeks or four weeks, we would have said, sorry, we just can’t make it work.
So here’s the other thing. We didn’t even talk about this, but along with those relationships, a lot of times there’s different reasons that you’re going to promote things. And honestly, we didn’t promote this because we were going to make a ton of money.
Now that’s valuable and we’re glad that we could do well and so on.
Robby: We still tried to make a ton of money.
Person: Right. Absolutely.
Robby: But that wasn’t the primary reason.
Person: Yeah, we went into it, if we’re being honest. It was probably more to make a ton of money for them than it was for us.
Robby: Right.
Person: And I think that’s important. I know Matt teaches that in different places as well, that there’s different reasons to promote things and there’s different goals that you can have for promoting things and being really clear on the front end as to what that is is really valuable.
We’ve even taught and shared in other places where sometimes we can’t promote something heavily, but we want to help them, we want to serve them. So maybe we don’t promote, but we buy 100 or $200 worth of Facebook ads because we want to send some traffic to them. We want to help them out how we can.
And that’s just as valuable. Those relationships are just as valuable. And sometimes maybe it’s not the best fit, or maybe, you know, you’re not going to sell a whole bunch, but it’s a friend and you want to support them and you want to help them out, and that’s valuable, too.
And even if it’s from the standpoint of giving them feedback, because I know we had a recap with them afterwards and I wasn’t able to be on that, but I’m sure some of that was, hey, here’s what we saw from our side and here’s what we heard, and that’s really valuable to people, too. So you’re right. Those relationships are huge and there’s different reasons to promote things.
Robby: I love it. I think it’s a pretty solid backstage pass, if you ask me. Dropping who call John Lee Dumas value, right?
Person: I love doing these because it allows us to kind of step back and look at what happens as well. I know we’ve said it before, but I strongly encourage each of you, anytime you do a promotion, to do some sort of review afterwards. Maybe it’s not a recorded video, but it’s something even if it’s just sitting down and asking yourself, what went well?
What didn’t go well? What did we do? Because quite honestly, these are partially selfish because it allows us to do that review.
It allows us to say, ‘Oh, wow, we did do that well, or oh, man, we messed that one up.’ I can tell you, Robby, you know this because you’re in these conversations when we have the meeting before we record these every month, it’s inevitable that every single time there’s either something that we did great, that two out of the three of us were like, ‘oh, yeah, that’s right,’ and we forgot. Or on the other hand, one of us points out and says, ‘Hey, we really screwed this up.’ And it’s like, oh, yeah, how did we miss this? And that’s valuable, right? And that’s really helpful.
And that’s how you get better, is learning from your mistakes and also learning from ours and what we do well. So that’s why we love sharing these with you, because we don’t share these anywhere else. This is the only place that you get to hear what actually happens on the back end and what we think did well and what we think didn’t do well.
So thank you for watching. It’s been great. Hopefully Matt’s back to the next one.
Robby: Yeah.
Person: It was fun to have one without him, but…
Robby: Yeah.. He got anything to say about him behind his back like the really backstage pass. What do the employees say when the boss is gone? All right, everybody, we’ll see you next month. See you.
All right, so I’d love to hear from you about your biggest takeaway on this. How are you going to use what you’ve learned today when you’re faced with this situation? You’ve got an affiliate and they’re just on a short time frame. Shoot me a text.260-217-4619 I would love to hear from you.
If you’ve got questions about today’s episode or anything else, you can text me there as well and make sure if you haven’t yet I say this at the end of every episode, but I mean it sincerely.
Make sure you click subscribe so you don’t miss any of the upcoming episodes. Our next one’s going to be a good one. We’re going to talk about how to measure affiliate program success.
A little bit of a boring one, but it’s an important one. The key metrics that you need to track to measure affiliate program success. Then we’ve got some others coming up about the first rule of affiliate marketing and how to leverage affiliate manager relationships.
And then we’re into the holiday season. Believe it or not, we’re only like a few weeks away from planning for the holiday season, if you’re not already. So we’re going to talk about how to crush your Black Friday and Cyber Monday affiliate promos.
So make sure you hit subscribe. You don’t want to miss any of those. I’ll see you soon.
Text me anytime at (260) 217-4619.
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