
This Page Isn’t About Me

It’s about YOU!

Are you a business owner or aspiring entrepreneur who has a message or mission to change the world…but you’re struggling to grow your affiliate program and take your business to the next level?

If so, I can relate. I’ve been in there, done that…and I know the way out.

Ultimately, I help three types of online business owners.

Which one of these interest you?

I Want to Master
Affiliate Marketing

I Want to Start and
Scale an Affiliate Program
from Scratch

I Have an Existing Affiliate Program and Want to Grow it to 7-Figures and Beyond

Does this describe you?

I Want to Master Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is easier than most people think…when you have the right guide. It helps you to learn what your audience wants to buy, what price points they buy at, and how to sell more effectively to them. It also helps you to get noticed by other marketers in your niche (it’s a great way to find and connect with potential affiliate partners as well).

I’ve trained more than 320,000 affiliates for companies such as Shutterfly and Adidas and for entrepreneurs like Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Michael Hyatt, Stu McLaren, Lewis Howes, Brian Tracy, Ray Edwards, Claire Diaz-Ortiz, Shark Tank’s Kevin Harrington, Ryan Levesque, Jeff Walker, Kim Walsh Phillips, and Zig Ziglar.
I know what it takes to be successful at affiliate marketing and to take your income and recognition to new levels.

To start mastering affiliate marketing by learning the sales secrets of the most successful affiliate marketers, download my free report below:

Does this describe you?

I Want to Take My Business to the Next Level
(Time to Start an Affiliate Program)

Or perhaps, you are like I was in my first business…we already had some sales, but we needed to take our business to the next level. So we started an affiliate program. I had no idea what that meant way back in the early days of online businesses, but I learned the hard way…trial and error. Two years later, we were doing more than $1,000,000 per month in sales just from our affiliate program. Make no doubt about it, an affiliate program is the BEST way to scale your business. Here are five distinct advantages of having an affiliate program:

You make money before you spend it

With an affiliate program, you bring in the revenue before you pay the affiliates. Try doing that with any other form of advertising.

It’s infinitely scalable

Unlike other forms of marketing, there are virtually no limits on its growth.

No guessing at targeting

You no longer have to try to figure out how to target your ads profitably. The affiliates do that for you!

The warmest prospects

No other form of advertising brings in warm prospects like affiliates. They act as a third-party endorsement before sending people to your site, which is why we’ve found their traffic converts 24% higher than any other form of advertising.

Success = more success

When you have success with one affiliate, you will get other affiliates with no effort.

Over the years, I’ve helped hundreds of businesses start and scale their affiliate programs, from one client who went from $0 to $124,000 in one year to helping a publicly traded company go from $34 million to more than a quarter of a billion dollars in just three years.

Online entrepreneur Nick Stephenson said, “Our first public launch brought in close to 20,000 new leads and hundreds of thousands of dollars in revenue, a result I just wouldn’t have been able to achieve without Matt’s plan. I heartily recommend Matt and his team to help any online business take their sales and exposure to the next level.”

Liz Barnett took over a stagnant affiliate program and in just 90 days, more than tripled its sales with our training. “Prior to accepting a position as an affiliate manager four months ago, I had never heard of affiliate marketing. The affiliate program I run increased by over 200% in sales in my first 90 days and my affiliates have brought in record-breaking commissions. Affiliates who had been inactive for months have come back to life.”

If you are ready to take your business to the next level and start an affiliate program, start with my free report, Your First 100 Affiliates. This report takes nearly two decades of experience, tons of trial and error, and lessons learned about finding top affiliates in nearly every conceivable niche and puts them all into one report.

I Have an Existing Affiliate Program and Want to Grow it to 7-Figures and Beyond

If you have an existing affiliate program and are currently doing more than $10,000/month in sales through your affiliates, we should talk.

We’ve run affiliate programs for large companies such as Shutterfly and Adidas and run the programs for entrepreneurs such as Michael Hyatt, Shark Tank’s Kevin Harrington, Kim Walsh Phillips, Ryan Levesque, Stu McLaren, Ray Edwards, Claire Diaz-Ortiz, Brian Tracy, and many more. We’ve also coached the affiliate teams for Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, and Jeff Walker, among others.

Regardless of whether you need us to run your affiliate program or coach you or your team, we help turn 5-figure affiliate programs into 6-figure and even 7-figure programs…and even 8-figure programs in the right niche!

As Ray Edwards said, “Matt McWilliams helped my company achieve its first $1M revenue year.”

Or Shark Tank’s Kevin Harrington, “There’s a reason why entrepreneurs and businesses all over the world trust Matt to help them start, grow, and scale their businesses. His methods and systems work.”

So, how can we work together to help you scale your affiliate program to new levels?

There are two ways…

Our Affiliate Management Agency

First, we can run your affiliate program for you.

Our agency has run some of the biggest affiliate launches and some of the top evergreen programs in virtually every conceivable niche including internet marketing, parenting, health and fitness, personal growth, business, music, elementary education, artificial intelligence, insurance, investing, and others.

We’ve run programs with digital courses, software, retail (physical) products, memberships, and pretty much every product type you can think of.

If you are interested in working with our agency, reach out to me personally at matt@mattmcwilliams.com.

Affiliate Management Coaching

Second, we can coach you and your affiliate team. I’ve personally coached the affiliate teams for Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, and Jeff Walker. I’ve also coached the affiliate managers for nearly every possible niche. Our coaching packages vary depending on your needs and we personalize each package for you individually.

If you are interested in our coaching program, visit our Your Affiliate Launch Coach site and set up a free coaching call. This is not just a sales call. I’ll leave you with a 90-day plan regardless of whether we decide to work together or not.

In the meantime, check out my free report on how to avoid the top 20 affiliate program mistakes. In my two decades of running top affiliate programs and working with more than 320,000 affiliates, I’ve made every single one of these 20 mistakes…and can show you how to avoid them with your program.

Our Mission

Our mission as a company is simple: To help you build a business that serves YOU and OTHERS. To help you spread your message, fulfill your purpose, and enjoy every single minute of it. To help you turn your passion into profit.

Whether that’s by helping you to start an affiliate program or start affiliate marketing or helping you scale your business to six and seven figures (and beyond!), I’m here to help.

Why do I do what I do? Because I genuinely feel that you are an artist. An artist with a message to change the world.

Your comfort zone says otherwise. Your comfort zone says:

“School taught me to keep my head down, raise my hand to speak, get a good job with health insurance, and maybe, just maybe, my 401(k) will allow me one day to make art.”

That is the lie of your comfort zone. Your comfort zone is the devil on your shoulder telling you that you can never truly be an artist. It tells you that your work doesn’t matter and that the art that is clamoring to leap out of you will always be restrained by societal pressures, bills to pay, and the ringing words of all those who have laughed at the dreamers.

If you are reading this and haven’t awakened to the reality that our economy is drastically different than it was twenty years ago, I need to tell you something:


Our economy is drastically different than it was just ten years ago. It’s probably going to be different in three years…or thirty minutes.

How we work, how we provide for our families, how we achieve career bliss, and how we get there have all changed in the last decade. They were already changing in the decade prior. And, as you know, the rate of change exponentially increases every few seconds.

We are all artists now. You are an artist. And artists are defining this new economy.

The entire premise of our mission hinges on one belief: The world needs your art.

The world needs your art, but it will not wait passively or patiently. The world needs your art, but it will move on without it.

I’m here to help you spread your message, make good money while doing so, and love every minute of it. If you want to have more influence, impact, and income, you’re in the right place.

Hi, I’m Matt

“Sometimes the light’s all shinin’ on me
Other times, I can barely see
Lately, it occurs to me
What a long, strange trip it’s been” – The Grateful Dead, Truckin’
If you’ve made it this far, you’re at least somewhat curious who in the heck I am. Well, this is my attempt to satisfy that curiosity.
Think of me not as a teacher or a guru, but as a guide for you on your journey. I’m your companion, like Gandalf or Yoda, to walk with you as you embark on your quest to turn your passion and message into a profitable and growing business.
I started this section with a quote from the Grateful Dead song, Truckin’, from their 1970 album American Beauty. Those four lines aptly describe my journey to this point.

How I got here and discovered my passion and ultimately built a successful business around it has been a long, strange trip indeed. Sometimes the lights have been shining on me and I’ve been on top of the world. Other times, I can barely see and it feels like the world is crashing down on me.

I’ve been through the startup phase multiple times, I’ve built a following from scratch, I’ve moved from niche to niche in search of fame and fortune only to find that my true passion and purpose was right there in front of me the whole time. As I’m writing this mini-biography, I realized that I’ve been publishing online for more than 15 years! I’ve written the equivalent of 84 books in the form of blog posts, articles, and emails to my audience. I’ve published more than 450 hours (that’s roughly 53 non-fiction audiobooks) of podcasts and videos. And the first half of that journey could be viewed as a complete waste.

If you look back at the first 2 million words I wrote or the first 200 hours of audio and video content I produced, it has nothing to do with what I’m helping people with today. It had nothing to do with what I am truly passionate about. It was hard, slow-moving, and incredibly unprofitable. Today, however, I’m truly living out my passion and purpose while daily seeing increases in my impact, influence, and income!

Once I clearly defined my passion and purpose, I was able to work with some amazing clients such as Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Michael Hyatt, Shark Tank’s Kevin Harrington, Zig Ziglar’s company, Claire Diaz-Ortiz, Ryan Levesque, Lewis Howes, Stu McLaren, Ray Edwards, Jeff Goins, Rich Schefren, Brian Tracy, and Jeff Walker, along with others. Some of these folks were my idols and virtual mentors as I came up in the business world. Today, many of them are friends. In my twice-weekly podcast, live lessons, and blog posts, I share many of the lessons I learned from them.

Not only have I worked with those legends, though. I’ve worked with tens of thousands of beginner bloggers, aspiring podcasters, newbie YouTubers, and brand new entrepreneurs. They’ve been students of our courses, coaching clients, mastermind members, blog readers, podcast listeners, video viewers, and they’ve helped spread the word about my platform and this book. I am forever grateful to them and inspired by them every day to share and spread my message.

I’ve seen it all in my time building my own online business and helping others to do the same. My platform is my best effort to share what I’ve learned with you.

In order to make the most of our time together, I recommend that you do three things:

Subscribe to my podcast, The Affiliate Guy.

I release two episodes every week to help you grow your online business, with a specific focus on affiliate marketing and affiliate programs. Click here to learn more and subscribe!

Text me at (260) 217-4619.

I’d love to connect with you on a more personal level.

Grab one of my free reports

If you have a platform and want to master affiliate marketing, start with my Affiliate Marketing Sales Secrets report. And if you want to start and grow an affiliate program, Your First 100 Affiliates shows you all my favorite ways to find and attract top affiliates. If you have a successful affiliate program, but want to take it to the next level and scale past six-figures and beyond, check out my Top 20 Affiliate Program Mistakes report (so you don’t have to make the same mistakes).

Personal Facts (Some Fun, Some Boring)

Some people say I’m tall. I’m 6’2″ so I guess that is kind of tall.

I live in Fort Wayne, Indiana but was born and raised in the South. I still consider Tennessee my home, but have grown to love the Midwest and specifically the city I reside in now.

I’m the author of the bestselling book, Turn Your Passions Into Profits. I’m probably biased, but it’s a pretty solid playbook for building the online business of your dreams!

My family and me at Disney’s Animal Kingdom (we LOVE winters in Florida).

I am married to my best friend, business partner, and biggest cheerleader, Tara. We have two amazing kids and spend an increasingly large amount of time either at our kids’ soccer or traveling to soccer.

Speaking of soccer, I am a huge fan of Nashville SC. I did not grow up playing soccer and only recently began appreciating the game, but I’ve fallen in love with the sport and the team. If there’s a game on, I’m one of those irrational sports fans who will drop just about anything to watch.

I played golf in college at the University of Tennessee (Go Vols!) and professionally for a few years afterward. I was pretty good, but never made it to the PGA Tour. At one point, I was ranked 14th in the nation in college golf. I kind of peaked then it seems. I don’t play anymore (it takes too long lol).

I grew up with a single mom who worked three jobs just to keep the rent paid and me fed. I later moved to live with my dad and was exposed to both extremes of the socioeconomic spectrum. Shortly after I moved to live with him, his career took off. In my teens, I was fortunate to spend a lot of time with famous musicians, CEOs, and other people who opened my eyes to what was possible.

I once ran full speed into a screen door right in front of Dolly Parton and a bunch of other VIPs in Nashville when I was 12. That was super fun.

I’ve been in Sports Illustrated twice. Once for playing really good golf…and once for hanging off a goalpost when Tennessee beat Florida in football.

Me after winning a golf tournament in 2000. Apparently, I also buttoned my top button…WHAAAA?

Winning the Best in Business Award in 2007…nice suit and goatee, huh?

I started my first company when I was 22 and have only worked for someone else for a total of 4 years since the age of 18. I consider myself “Utterly Unemployable.”

I’ve run for office twice (many, many years ago). I’m not sure if it’s still true today, but as of 2002, I was the youngest person to make it through a primary election in North Carolina history. I wore a lot of suits and ties then…not so much now. Today, it’s pretty much always shorts and a t-shirt…maybe a hoodie if it’s cold.

My second company, HometownQuotes, won the prestigious Business Journal Best in Business Award in 2007. There’s a picture of me and my business partners at the time with the award. It was WAY too much success at a young age…and admittedly, kind of got to my head.

That company almost went bankrupt in 2005. What saved us was starting an affiliate program. I had no idea what I was doing and made a TON of mistakes, but built it from nothing to more than $1,000,000 a month in only 18 months. Today, I teach people how to avoid the same mistakes I made so they can grow even faster. Here’s a good place to start with your affiliate program.

Want to know anything else? Just text me at (260) 217-4619 and I’m happy to share