
Review of Bestseller Campaign Blueprint by Jesse Krieger

Do not buy Jesse Krieger’s Bestseller Campaign Blueprint course without reading this review first. You’ll kick yourself later if you do. Full review and $598 $797 in bonuses below.


So…the burning question…what is the deal with Jesse Krieger’s new course, Bestseller Campaign Blueprint? Is it worth it? I hope this review answers any questions you have.

First off, a full disclaimer: I am affiliate for Jesse’s course. To be clear, though, that does not affect what I share below in any way. It does, however, mean that if you buy through my link, I get a commission from Jesse. It also means that if you purchase through my links in this review, you will earn access to my two three exclusive bonuses, worth $598 $797. These bonuses are not available anywhere else. <<Skip to Bonuses>>


So, all that being said (or written as the case may be), here’s my full review of  Bestseller Campaign Blueprint by Jesse Krieger.

Watch the Video Review

Is this too long? Then watch the video:

What’s Good About Bestseller Campaign Blueprint?

What would a good review be if I didn’t mention some of the highlights of Jesse’s course? Don’t worry, I cover both sides and mention some of the downsides below.

1.  Jesse walks the walk…and can teach it!

Jesse has done what he talks about in this course.  His book, Lifestyle Entrepreneur, Climbed to #2 in the largest book chain in Malaysia and then was subsequently picked up by a publisher in the USA where it hit #1 in several categories on Amazon.

So when Jesse teaches gives you the Bestseller Campaign Blueprint he isn’t giving you untested theories, he’s giving you the plans that he has used to experience massive success himself.

But here’s the part that is even more exciting than the fact that he did this himself…he has taught others do the same! 

The world of sports has shown us over and over again that just because you can play a sport doesn’t necessarily mean that you are good at teaching and coaching others to do the same thing.

Enter Lifestyle Entrepreneurs Press.  Jesse has used his blueprint to help 8…Yes other authors experience massive success in writing, publishing and marketing their books!  Bestseller Campaign Blueprint is exactly what Jesse has used to plan, create and market bestselling books over and over again.  And now he’s teaching you how to do it!

2. These are actual live trainings! 

Bestseller Campaign Blueprint by Jesse Krieger isn’t your typical cookie-cutter course.  This is 8 weeks of live webinars.  

What does that mean for you?  That means that you can ask questions and the content can (and will) be tailored to your needs.  This is huge!  I don’t know this for sure, but my guess is that Jesse isn’t always going to do this course as a live presentation…so now is the time to get into the course while you have unprecedented life access to Jesse.

3. Killer bonuses and added value.

If you were only getting 8 weeks of live webinars with Jesse Krieger, this course would be absolutely worth it.


But that is not all you get.  Bestseller Campaign Blueprint takes it up a notch when it comes to value.  Check out these additional benefits to this course:

  • Lifetime access to the member’s portal.  Not only will you have access to the trainings, activities and other resources while you’re writing your current book, you will also have access to all those same resources a year from now when you start writing your next book!
  • Membership in a private Facebook Group.  Ok, if we’re being totally honest, this is pretty standard with courses today, but it is, nonetheless, a very valuable resource for you as you work through the course.  Collaborating with other authors that are working through the process with you…as well as best-selling authors is definitely added value.
  • Free copies of 3 Best-selling books.  Did I mention that Jesse has helped multiple authors write and market best-selling books?  Well, anyone that purchases Bestseller Campaign Blueprint will get free copies of the 3 books that he has helped become best-sellers in the past 3 months PLUS the individual blueprints for each one (valued at $197).  This is essentially 3 real life case studies that will help you get the most out of the course.
  • Six-part Audio Series.  You will get instant access to the six-part audio program, Become a Lifestyle Entrepreneur by Jesse Krieger (valued at $197).  This program walks you through creating your vision, identifying your market and creating the right business for you.

Oh by the way, in addition to the bonuses I just listed, if you purchase Jesse Krieger’s Bestseller Campaign Blueprint through my link, you’ll get $598 $797 worth of exclusive bonuses from me too.  I’ll explain those a little further down.

A Few Downsides to Bestseller Campaign Blueprint

1. The course is delivered live

I know what you’re thinking…I just listed that as a positive side of the course…and I meant it.  But it is also a downside.  Here’s why.  Since it is live, I have no way of actually reviewing the modules and giving you specific feedback on the content.

I would be remiss if I didn’t acknowledge this inability to review the content.

That being said, Bestseller Campaign Blueprint has a good track record of successful book launches, so this is less of a downside and more of simply an unknown.

2. This isn’t a writing course

If you are looking for a course to teach you how to write a book, this is not the course for you.  The majority of the Bestseller Campaign Blueprint course focuses on marketing and launching your book.

Only 1 out of 4 modules focus on the actual writing of the book…which makes sense.  The course does have the word “selling” in the title.

This really isn’t as much of a downside as it is simply understanding what the focus of the course is.

That’s it as far as downsides are concerned.

And really, you could argue that neither of them are necessarily downsides.

Who Bestseller Campaign Blueprint Is For (and who it is not for)

Bestseller Campaign Blueprint is for you if,

  • You have written a book that didn’t sell as you hoped.  Jesse Krieger’s Bestseller Campaign Blueprint can take your already written book and help you create a blueprint to introduce it to the masses.
  • You have a book idea inside of you.  Studies show that most of us have an idea for a book that we want to write.  Jesse’s course will help you to get the book out and then help you get it in front of as many people as possible…I mean, why write a book if you aren’t going to do everything possible to get people to read it!
  • You want to build a business around your book.  Whether you have a book written or one you want to write, Bestseller Campaign Blueprint will help you leverage your book into other products and create a business around the book.

Bestseller Campaign Blueprint is NOT for you if,

  • You are only looking for a course on how to write a book.  As I noted above.  Jesse’s course is focused heavily on the marketing of your book, so if you are only looking for help in writing your book, Bestseller Campaign Blueprint is probably more than you need.
  • You’re not willing to invest in a high priced course.  Bestseller Campaign Blueprint sells for around $997 (It could be more or less depending on when you read this.  You can find the current price here), so if you are unwilling to make that type of investment, this course is not for you.
  • You are unwilling to put in the time.  The beauty of this course is the fact that the trainings are live.  However if you are unwilling or unable to make time to view the live weekly webinars, you will not get the benefit of purchasing a live course.

What will you learn in Bestseller Campaign Blueprint?

Bestseller Campaign Blueprint by Jesse Krieger is broken up into 4 modules.  Each module consists of two trainings.

bestseller campaign blueprint modules

Here are the Modules included in Jesse Krieger’s Bestseller Campaign Blueprint course:

Module 1: Ignite

Training 1: Finish the Manuscript and Rough Draft of Your Book.  In this training you will learn how to create the content for your book much quicker and how to find and work with professional editors and ghostwriters.  This training is sure to give you some awesome ideas for finishing up your book.

Training 2: Cover Design and Interior Layout Mastery. I can’t tell you how many horrible book covers I’ve seen on books and how many books just make it difficult to read them because of their interior design.  This is an important topic if you want to write a bestseller.  Jesse will show you how to get a killer cover and interior design quickly and affordably.

Module 2: Develop

Training 3: Develop a Pre-Launch Campaign and Build a Launch List.  The key to a great launch is having a list.  Don’t worry if you don’t have one yet.  In Bestseller Campaign Blueprint Jesse will show you how he and those he has coached have went from a list of zero to hundreds and eventually thousands.  Jesse and his team will be with you to coach you through every step.

Training 4: Create Your Audio Book and Social Media Presence.  In this training Jesse will teach you how to increase your list even further through techniques he has used on social media and Amazon.  You will learn how to create an audio version of your book.

Module 3: Execute

Training 5: Launch Your Book to the World the Right Way.  This training is what everything before it has been leading up to…your book launch.  You will learn how to launch your book in a manner that will allow it to grow and expand on itself and set you up for long term succes.  This is where the rubber meets the road!

Training 6: Expanding the Launch Through Contests and Promotional Partners.  This training is all about engagement and finding ideal customers for not only your book launch but also any coaching programs or products you create later on.

Module 4: Accelerate

Training 7: Building Back End Products and Training Programs.  Remember in the “Who is Bestseller Campaign Blueprint for?” section how I said that this course was for you if you wanted to take the book you’ve written and turn it into a business?  This training will show you just that.  This is all about showing you how to create products and trainings that will turn your readers into lifelong customers and clients.  This is exciting stuff!

Training 8: The Bestseller Campaign Blueprint Life Cycle.  This is the final training of the course and it will show you how to use Amazon’s promotional tools to re-launch your book several times a year to increase sales and continue climbing up the bestseller charts.

That’s what you will learn in Bestseller Campaign Blueprint by Jesse Krieger.  He will take you through the process of creating and launching a bestseller!

Jesse Krieger’s 100% Guarantee

Jesse offers everyone that goes through Bestseller Campaign Blueprint a 30-day Money Back Guarantee.

If you begin the course and within the first 30 days decide that this course is not for you (which I can’t imagine happening…) Jesse will refund your investment.

My Exclusive Bonuses

So I’ve mentioned the bonuses, now it’s time to tell you all about them. If you go through my affiliate link for Bestseller Campaign Blueprint by Jesse Kriegeryou will gettwo three exclusive bonuses from me.

Together, they are valued at $598 $797 (new third bonus below!).

Bonus #1 – Destroy Your Limiting Beliefs Self-Coaching Guide – $399

Writing and selling a book can feel almost impossible, especially without the right mindset. That’s why I’ll give you the Limiting Beliefs Self-Coaching Guide. There are four types of limiting beliefs that you will need to overcome and I teach you how to do so in this self-coaching plan.

Until recently, this workbook was only available to my private coaching clients, but I know how critical it is to conquer your limiting beliefs to do something as awesome as creating and launching a bestselling book.

Bonus #2 – 1 Free VIP Ticket to Networking with Purpose Live! ($199)

If you go through my affiliate link for Bestseller Campaign Blueprint, you will also get a free ticket to my next Networking with Purpose Live event.

Getting to the top of the charts requires connections. That’s why I’m GIVING you access to the next Networking with Purpose Live event. This live online event will show you how to build, grow, and nurture your network to help you launch your bestseller.

The cheapest ticket for this event will cost $99, but you’ll get a free VIP ticket, which gets you access to the live event and a bonus group coaching call two weeks later.

**All NEW** Bonus #3 — 45 Minute Training Video on Running a Successful JV Launch

I’ve personally helped authors like Jeff Goins sell more books than they thought possible, hit multiple bestseller lists, and make six figures in income on the backend…all using the power of JV partners. In this brand new video created specifically for those who purchase Bestseller Campaign Blueprint I will share what I have learned about using affiliates to hit the bestseller’s list in my decade-plus experience of being a professional affiliate manager.

When done right, using affiliates to help you get in front of more people will allow you to leverage the efforts of others to market, launch and sell your book.

I charge upwards of $1,000 an hour to teach this to coaching clients and this video will easily retail for $199.

So the only question remaining is, What are you waiting for?

Check out Jesse Krieger’s Bestseller Campaign Blueprint NOW!