I decided to pull together MY 10 Commandments for creating successful affiliate programs. (This seemed to work out okay for Moses, so I thought I’d give it a try!) After 15 years of learning and...
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The Magic of Affiliate Leaderboards: How to Use Simple Psychology to Dramatically Increase Sales
This lesson could be worth millions of $$$ (seriously). If you want to learn how to use affiliate leaderboards to dramatically increase your sales, this lesson is for you. If you want to understand...
My Top 10 Mistakes of 2021 and What You Can Learn From Them
The year 2021 was full of a lot of mistakes and opportunities for me to learn. Reflecting on them is also an opportunity for me to share them with you, so that you can learn from my mistakes. Today,...
7 Things Every Affiliate Manager Must Do This Holiday Season
As we get into the heart of the holiday season, there are some specific things affiliate managers MUST do to virtually guarantee success. (7 of them in fact) Want to know what they are? Then here...
Top Affiliate Managers Reveal Their Holiday Strategies
It’s the holiday season and I’m having a little holiday party with some of my top affiliate manager friends. Their going to reveal their top strategies for running successful affiliate programs...
Overcoming 5 Myths About Holiday Affiliate Promotions
It’s the holiday season and that means a lot of myths and misconceptions around holiday affiliate promotions. Today, I’ll bust five of the biggest misconceptions that people have when it comes to...