Your message matters. That is the theme today. You may not feel that way But it does. And today’s special guest, Jonathan Milligan, is going to share how to define your message, believe in your message, how to market your message, and ultimately to LIVE your message.
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Your 2020 Holiday Season Affiliate Program Prep Starts NOW!
According to the National Retail Federation, about 40% of consumers actually begin their holiday shopping before Halloween. That means if you wait much longer to start preparing your affiliate program for the holiday season, you’re waiting WAY too long! In this episode, I share the 11 steps to start taking RIGHT NOW to prepare your affiliate program for the holidays.
2020 Holiday Affiliate Guide Ep. 1: Analyze Your Top Affiliates
It’s The Most Wonderful Time of the Year. and that means it’s time to get your affiliate program ready for the holidays. This episode will show you how!
Why I HATE the Term Affiliate Manager
Managers are for fast food restaurants, not affiliate programs. I’ve decided I can’t stand…no, I HATE the term affiliate manager. I share why in this episode.
WARNING: Do Not Hire an Affiliate Manager
This might surprise you to hear me say this, but you do NOT need to hire an affiliate manager to run your affiliate program. In fact, today I’m going to share 3 reasons you absolutely should NOT do hire one…and what to do instead!
20 Affiliate Program Mistakes that Almost Destroyed Me (Pt 2)
When I started my first affiliate program 15 years ago, I was totally ignorant about how to run an affiliate program. I made a bunch of mistakes and learned a lot of lessons the hard way…and still built a $12.6 million affiliate program in just two years. In the last episode I shared the first 10 mistakes and today I’m sharing mistakes 11-20 so YOU don’t have to make them!