This might surprise you to hear me say this, but you do NOT need to hire an affiliate manager to run your affiliate program. In fact, today I'm going to share 3 reasons you absolutely should NOT do...
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20 Affiliate Program Mistakes that Almost Destroyed Me (Pt 2)
When I started my first affiliate program 15 years ago, I was totally ignorant about how to run an affiliate program. I made a bunch of mistakes and learned a lot of lessons the hard way...and still...
How to Get Affiliates to Promote More & Go All-In
Do you know what the biggest problem with affiliate programs is? Tell me if this sounds familiar you get an affiliate to sign-up. You go through all the hard work of finding them. You bust your butt...
20 Affiliate Program Mistakes that Almost Destroyed Me (Pt 1)
When I started my first affiliate program back in 2005…I literally knew NOTHING about how to run an affiliate program. Through a LOT of trial and error...and some huge mistakes, I built a $12.6...
I was WRONG About When to Start an Affiliate Program
When is the right time to start working with affiliates? Well, for years I’ve been teaching folks to wait longer than they should. And I’m here today to admit that I was wrong. Today, I’ll share the...
5 Reasons You NEED an Affiliate Program
Sixteen years ago, my business faced a crisis. Not unlike the situation that so many are facing today. We had a great idea. All the right intentions. We even had the right team in place. But we’d...