Given the choice, would you rather have fun or not have fun? Have fun, of course! And your affiliate program should be no different!There are a lot of reasons that you should make sure your affiliate program is fun. The BIGGEST reason is that it leads to more sales which means more impact for you and your business. Watch this video for 3 ways to make your affiliate program more fun.
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How to Decide Who Gets Affiliate Commissions
Ah…the great debate in affiliate marketing…who gets the affiliate commission. I’ve shared this before in Episode 36 and Episode 37 of TAG, but today I share the ultimate way to decide.
Listener Q&A – Better to Spend Time Recruiting Affiliates or Nurturing Current Ones?
I got a great question from Liz Barnett recently. She asked:
I have a quick affiliate management question.
If you have to choose due to time/resource constraint, which would you consider a better use of time: Nurturing your current affiliates or recruiting new affiliates?
I share my answer in this episode!
7 Types Of Affiliates You Should Be Recruiting (But Probably Aren’t)
When it comes to recruiting affiliates, there are a LOT of places you can look and a lot of different kinds of affiliates you can recruit. I’ve spent a decade and a half recruiting hundreds of thousands of affiliates, and from that experience, I have found that there are 7 types of affiliates that everyone should recruit, but they often don’t. Today I will share those 7 types so that YOU can start recruiting them immediately!
Listener Q&A: When Should You Pay Affiliates on Upsells and Downsells?
One question I’ve received quite often is whether or not to pay affiliates on upsells and downsells. I had my own opinion, but I decided to ask some other experts what they thought as well. Today, I share my favorite answer.
Why You Should Do An Affiliate Launch This Year
I believe that you should do an affiliate launch this year. Not next year, not the year after that, but THIS year. I know that’s scary. You don’t think you’re ready…but you absolutely should do an affiliate launch this year. And in this video, I share with you five reasons why.
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