How To Get Affiliates For Your Book Launch

How To Get Affiliates For Your Book Launch

So, you’ve written the book and now you’re all excited to launch it.  But you realize that you just don’t have that many people promoting it. You want affiliates for your book launch.  How do you get them? That is what this post is about.

Strategies for affiliate marketing with Matthew Loomis

I’ve been fortunate to have worked on tons of book launches for awesome people like Lewis Howes, Brian Tracy, Ray Edwards and Jeff Goins, whose book launch for his new book, Real Artists Don’t Starve just finished this week.

How to Recruit Affiliates for your Virtual Summit

How to Recruit Affiliates for your Virtual Summit

This is a guest post from Mark Sieverkropp, our senior affiliate manager and resident summit expert. He has run summits such as the Peak Work Performance Summit, The Work By Design Summit and the World Record-Breaking summit, The Authority Super Summit in addition to dozens of product launches.

Recently Matt and I had a conversation with a friend of ours who was wanting to recruit affiliates for her upcoming virtual summit.  As we gave her some suggestions, I realized that, while many recruiting techniques are the same, regardless of whether you’re running a summit or a product launch, there are a few key differences.  So Matt asked me to share some of those tips with you.

how to recruit affiliates for your virtual summit

When we first began running virtual summits, we basically took our playbook for affiliate product launches and applied it to summits.

7 Reasons Why You Should Work with Small Affiliates

7 Reasons Why You Should Work with Small Affiliates

A lot of affiliate programs only work with larger affiliates…and I think that’s wrong. I’m not judging people who decide to only work with a select group of needle movers, but I do think it’s a mistake. Below I share seven reasons why you should work with smaller affiliates.

Before I share my seven reasons to work with smaller affiliates, let me be clear on something:

There is no better way to grow your list and your sales than picking up a few huge affiliates. They can explode your business literally overnight.

How to Activate Inactive Affiliates (Evergreen Programs)

How to Activate Inactive Affiliates (Evergreen Programs)

No matter what you do, any evergreen affiliate program with more than a few dozen affiliates is going to have some that become inactive. You can run the best program with the best commissions and have the greatest personality, but some of them just fall off the earth. Below I share the reasons why that happens…and what to do about it.

In part one, I shared WHY you need to activate affiliates. I explained why affiliates aren’t just automatically promoting you. They need a gentle reminder to get active.

How to Activate Inactive Affiliates

How to Activate Inactive Affiliates

One of the single most frustrating things you can do as an online entrepreneur is to put in the effort to recruit affiliates…only to have them do nothing. Today, I’ll show you how to activate your inactive affiliates.

I received an email recently from a guy who has over 1,000 affiliates for his product. That’s great!