What Tools Do You Need to Run an Affiliate Program

What Tools Do You Need to Run an Affiliate Program

What tools do you need to run a great affiliate program? Well, the answer is: It depends. It depends on your current level, your budget, and to some extent personal preferences. Today, I share nine tools for every level and preference. Whether you are a beginner or advanced, have virtually no budget or an unlimited one, this video covers it all.

Running an affiliate program is not as complicated (technologically speaking) as many people make it out to be. Depending on your level, you could get started with just four of the tools I mention in this video. And it would cost you less than $250.

How to Make Your Affiliate Program FUN

How to Make Your Affiliate Program FUN

Over the years, I’ve found one of the secrets to affiliate program success. It’s right up there with knowing the right people, having great conversions, and copywriting. It’s the F-word…fun, that is. Get your mind out of the gutter. Affiliate programs should be fun. For your affiliates and for you.

A few weeks ago, during Jeff Goins’ recent Tribe Writers launch, I had an interesting discussion with Jeff’s operations manager, Kyle Young. He said to me, “I want this launch to be so fun for our affiliates that they’ll tell everyone about it and beg to promote again.”

How do You Get Your Affiliates to Fully Commit to Your Promotion?

How do You Get Your Affiliates to Fully Commit to Your Promotion?

One of the biggest problems I’ve experienced with affiliates is getting them to fully commit to a promotion. Sure, they say they’ll promote, but when the time comes to send an email, they are nowhere to be found. Today’s video shows you how to get your affiliates to fully commit to promoting your launch.

Getting affiliates to fully commit is all about utilizing the principles of commitment and consistency that Robert Cialdini talks about in his book Influence (a must read for any marketer by the way).