Oh boy…this is gonna be a fun one. What kind of affiliate manager would Donald Trump be? What can we learn from him about being a great affiliate manager? [smart_track_player...
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How to Create Promotion Plans for Affiliates
If you want your affiliates to promote more often, more aggressively, and make more sales, you need to show them how. And one of the easiest ways to do this is to provide them with a clear plan for...
How to Get Your Affiliates Fired Up Before a Promotion
Is it better to hire an in-house affiliate manager or an outsourced one? My answer might surprise you. I know I’m biased, but I share the pros and cons of both in this podcast episode. So…which one...
What Kind of Affiliate Manager is Best: In-House or Outsourced?
Which is better? Hiring an in-house affiliate manager or outsourcing it? One person or an agency? Today, I share the pros and cons of both ways and show you which kind of affiliate manager is best...
What to Look for in an Affiliate Manager
Ever wonder what makes a great affiliate manager? It’s a BIG question…probably one of the most common questions I’m asked. What do I look for in an affiliate manager? In other words…WHO should I...
Don’t Make These Killer Mistakes with Your Affiliate Program (Part 2)
Someone asked me recently what are some of the WORST mistakes I’ve made running affiliate programs over the past 19+ years. Narrowing that down was quite the challenge because I have made some...