There is no disputing that your email list is king when it comes to affiliate success, but social media can still be a powerful tool. While our studies have found that an email subscriber is worth...
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Top 10 Productivity Hacks for Online Business Owners
It seems like productivity hacks are all the rage these days. But which ones work best for online business owners? People who work from home, own their own business, and are possibly working a side...
Why You Aren’t Succeeding with Affiliate Promos
Why are your affiliate promos failing? I got an email recently that said this: “I need help! I belong to several affiliate programs...I post them [everywhere]. I get clicks but no sales.” So why are...
How to Introduce Affiliate Offers to Your Audience
It can be a bit scary to think of introducing your audience to affiliate offers. You want to do it right. You don't want to offend your audience or have a bunch of subscribers. So, how do you do it...
Simple Way to Get the Most from Every Affiliate Promo
How can you possibly keep up with everything you need to do in an affiliate promotion? Well, the answer lies in something so simple it’s almost easy to ignore. Today, I share how I use a simple...
Attention Affiliates: Don’t Make These Mistakes with Swipe Copy
Most affiliates use swipe copy wrong. Usually, because no one taught them the right way to use it. Well, today I’m going to fix that! I typically see affiliates make five mistakes when using swipe...