How can you possibly keep up with everything you need to do in an affiliate promotion? Well, the answer lies in something so simple it’s almost easy to ignore. Today, I share how I use a simple...
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Attention Affiliates: Don’t Make These Mistakes with Swipe Copy
Most affiliates use swipe copy wrong. Usually, because no one taught them the right way to use it. Well, today I’m going to fix that! I typically see affiliates make five mistakes when using swipe...
Quiz Funnels: Cheap Leads that Convert with Ryan Levesque
What I’m about to share today is going to blow your mind! My friend Ryan Levesque is here today to share how to use a quiz funnel to quickly build your email list, generate cheap (but...
What Top Affiliates are Doing to Close Sales
Every year, we do an extensive survey of the marketing methods that affiliates are using to succeed with their promotions. When we do this, we focus on the affiliates who have small to medium-sized...
Our BEST Affiliate Promo Ever (How We Did It)
We just had our BEST affiliate promotion ever in terms of revenue! More than $125,000 in sales and one of the top spots in a crowded and elite leaderboard. How’d we do it? Well, listen to this...
Top 3 Hidden Benefits of Affiliate Marketing
There are a LOT of obvious reasons that you should start affiliate marketing, but there are some benefits that aren't as obvious. Today I share the top 3 hidden benefits of affiliate marketing. The...