A lot of people think that promoting affiliate offers is nothing but a money-grab or at best a distraction. But what if it TRULY could be a great way to serve your audience? In today’s episode, I make the case for why it really is a great way to serve your tribe and help them discover the right products for them.
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Should You Use Sidebar Ads For Affiliate Marketing?
Should you use sidebar ads for affiliate marketing? A lot of people think that the usefulness of sidebar ads has come and gone, but there are some very compelling reasons why you should have sidebar ads as a part of your affiliate marketing strategy. In this video, I’ll explain why, and share some cool tools that can help you make the most of your sidebar ads.
[youtube id=”3vRB_oovdFg”]
How to Deal with Insecurity in an Affiliate Launch
How do you feel when you see others succeeding in massive ways? Do you feel excited or do you feel insecure? I got an email recently from an affiliate who wrote, “I can’t compete with all those guys on the leaderboard. My list is a fraction of the size of theirs. Honestly, I’m struggling with insecurity right now. Help!” If that is you, this episode is for you!
The Ultimate Guide to Facebook Ads for Affiliate Marketing
It seems like everyone is on Facebook these days, and it’s not just for keeping up with college friends or your crazy Aunt Sally either. There is a lot of business that happens on Facebook as well. You may even be considering using Facebook Ads as part of your next affiliate promotion. If so, this article is for you. Below I’ll share with you 9 tips for running Facebook Ads for affiliate promotions.
Before we get into tips for using Facebook Ads for affiliate promotions, let’s take care of a few housekeeping things.
4 Groups To Target With Your Affiliate Promo Facebook Ads
So you’ve decided to run some Facebook Ads to drive traffic to an affiliate offer you are promoting…How do you determine who to target with those ads? There are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of options and the answer depends on several factors. In this video I break down the 4 groups you should target for your affiliate promotion Facebook Ads, and when to use each one.
[youtube id=”xn1_zqf4orw”]
Why You Should Promote Products You Haven’t Used
Can you promote a product you haven’t personally used? I get that question all the time from new affiliates (and seasoned ones as well). You will hear a lot of very successful affiliates say that they only promote products that they use personally, and I totally understand why they say that. But I believe that you can, and in many cases, should promote products that you haven’t used yourself. Today I’ll share with you why – and how to decide when to do so.