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Why You Should Promote Products You Haven’t Used

Why You Should Promote Products You Haven’t Used

Can you promote a product you haven’t personally used? I get that question all the time from new affiliates (and seasoned ones as well). You will hear a lot of very successful affiliates say that they only promote products that they use personally, and I totally understand why they say that. But I believe that you can, and in many cases, should promote products that you haven’t used yourself. Today I’ll share with you why – and how to decide when to do so.

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New Ways To Use Email For Affiliate Marketing

New Ways To Use Email For Affiliate Marketing

We all know that one of the most effective ways to promote affiliate offers is through email marketing. It usually looks like this: There is an affiliate offer — you like said affiliate offer — you send an email to your list promoting affiliate offer — maybe you send a follow up to unopens — you move onto the next offer. But there is so much more you can do than that. In today’s video, I’ll share with you 3 ways to use email to promote affiliate offers that you probably haven’t thought of.

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How To Start Affiliate Marketing (The Easy Way!)

How To Start Affiliate Marketing (The Easy Way!)

Affiliate marketing can be overwhelming. There’s a lot to do and a hundred ways to do it. But it doesn’t have to be. There is an easy way to start affiliate marketing. And the great part is, even if you’ve been doing affiliate marketing for years, odds are you can use this strategy to increase your affiliate revenue. Watch this video to learn the easiest way to start affiliate marketing.

[youtube id=”oE205awhFDM”]

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