What really separates people who succeed with their online businesses and those who don’t? It’s actually the same thing that separates the middle class from millionaires. There are VERY distinct differences between the two groups that I share today.
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Ridiculous Affiliate Bonus Packages (Mild Rant)
So how much is too much with an affiliate bonus package? You’ve seen the outrageous bonus packages that some people offer. Are some people crossing the line and actually hurting their sales? That’s what today’s episode is all about.
What Price Points Should You Promote As An Affiliate?
Recently I had a subscriber ask me how to determine what price points they should promote as an affiliate. This is a question I get asked fairly frequently, and there isn’t a good one-size-fits-all answer. There are three things to consider when determining what price points you should be promoting to your audience. I share them with you in this video.
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How To Keep Track of All Your Affiliate Promotions
One of our awesome No Product No Problem VIP students asked this question recently: “Productivity question: With all the aff programs one subscribes to, how do you keep track of everything without having to log in to the various portals every time? I mean: check if you’ve received commissions, clicks, etc…” In other words, is there an easy way to keep track of everything? Here’s my answer.
What I Learned From a Last Minute Affiliate Promotion
Recently I made a decision I NEVER make. Normally my team and I plan out our promotions several months in advance, but this time I made a decision to promote an offer and sent my first email the same day. I don’t typically recommend doing that, however, I learned three very important lessons from the experience. I share those with you in this video.
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This Might Hurt a Little (Part 4 of Lessons from Tribe Conference)
This episode might hurt a little…because today we’re talking about the power of pain. I’m also going to call you out on your “side gig” and show you why you need to make more money doing what you do. Yep…it might hurt. But it’s necessary. Today is the last episode in this series of takeaways from Jeff Goins’ Tribe Conference last year and it might be the best.