Today, I am sharing two more huge takeaways from last year’s Tribe Conference: The Power of Relationships and the Power of Public Speaking. You simply cannot build an online business in solitude. You need the support of others. And today, I share how to build those relationships. I also share 12 public speaking tips from the master, Michael Port.
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The Power of Connection, Belief, and Teaching (More Lessons from Tribe Conference)
I’m back today with more lessons from Jeff Goins’ Tribe Conference. Today, I share three lessons: The Power of Connection from Asha Dornfest, The Power of Belief from Mike Berry, and The Power of Teaching from ConvertKit’s Nathan Barry. Come back tomorrow for three more lessons!
ROAD TRIP! Lessons from Jeff Goins’ Tribe Conference
I’m about to head on a fun road trip to Austin, TX to meet with Ryan Levesque’s team and a few other locations. So I wanted to share a blast from the past: lessons I learned at last year’s Tribe Conference by Jeff Goins. Today is the first of a four-part series with my 11 biggest takeaways from the conference. You do NOT want to miss an episode here.
Using Perceptual Contrast In Affiliate Marketing
How heavy is a 10 lb. weight? 10 lbs., right? Well, that depends… if you picked up a short book beforehand, it feels pretty heavy. But if you just got done deadlifting 250 lbs., 10 lbs. doesn’t feel like much at all. This is called perceptual contrast, and you can use to great effect in your affiliate marketing. I’ll tell you how in this video.
[youtube id=”Djbq4cKr7XU”]
How to Handle Hate Mail from Subscribers
I got my first negative iTunes review ever (out of like 500+ for all my podcasts). That got me thinking…how should you handle hate mail, complaints, and those people who appoint themselves as your own personal critic…especially when they are subscribed to your email list for FREE! What about those people who complain when you promote? What’s the best way to handle haters? That’s what today’s episode is all about.
When Should Introduce Affiliate Bonuses? (Q&A with Susie Moore)
Susie Moore asked a great question about timing affiliate bonuses. I answered it in a video for Michael Hyatt’s affiliates but I knew I had to share it with you. So, when should you introduce your affiliate bonuses? Today’s episode is all about that.