Susie Moore asked a great question about timing affiliate bonuses. I answered it in a video for Michael Hyatt’s affiliates but I knew I had to share it with you. So, when should you introduce your affiliate bonuses? Today’s episode is all about that.
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Should You Promote Webinars or Sales Page Once the Cart Opens?
A lot of product launches follow a similar pattern. Once the cart opens, there will be webinars. The webinars are great because they are free to attend but you also want to make sales. So, which strategy is the right one for you? This episode will show you how to decide.
The Importance of Pre-Framing Affiliate Offers
Today, I’m going to share a lesson from an egg. Yes, the single best egg I’ve eaten in my entire life. This egg shows us the importance of pre-framing offers. And in today’s episode, I’ll share why you MUST pre-frame every affiliate offer you make.
Closing the Gender Gap in Affiliate Marketing
If you’ve followed affiliate marketing for long enough, you’ll notice that most of the people at the top of leaderboards are male. I’m a dude and I love playing “Battle of the Sexes” games as much as the next guy, but I think there is something wrong with that. While the industry has made substantial progress over the years, there is more work to be done. Today, I share some thoughts on closing the gender gap in affiliate marketing.
5 Things You Need to Know About Using Optin Lists in Affiliate Promotions
We’re back for part three of this quick series on using optin lists in affiliate promotions. I’ve shared WHY you want to use them, HOW to get them, and some best strategies for getting the most of them. Today, I’m going to share five things you need to know. I’ll cover common mistakes, frequently asked questions, and things you might not have thought of it when it comes to using optin lists.
How Long Should You Wait Before Sharing Affiliate Offers?
One of the questions I get asked most frequently is, “How long should I wait after someone subscribes to my email list before I begin sending them affiliate offers?” Honestly, the answer is that it depends on you and your audience. However, in the video below I share with you six rules that will give you a good framework to determine when the right time is for you to begin offering affiliate offers to your audience.
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