Want to guarantee success at affiliate marketing? Of course, there is no way to really guarantee it, but today’s guest host, Anthony Metivier has some killer suggestions.
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Want to guarantee success at affiliate marketing? Of course, there is no way to really guarantee it, but today’s guest host, Anthony Metivier has some killer suggestions.
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Most of the time, who gets credit for an affiliate sale (first click or last click) doesn’t matter. But there is one exception to that rule that I share today.
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Today, I’m going to settle one of the great debates in the affiliate marketing world. Who should get credit for a sale…first click or last click?
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What should you do about affiliate saturation? Is it really a problem? Here’s my take.
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How long should your affiliate cookie be good for? I get asked this question a lot and there are several different schools of thought. Today I will share with you why you have nothing to lose and everything to gain by offering a lifetime cooking.
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To cloak or not to cloak…that is the question. Cloaking affiliate links is one of the most controversial issues in affiliate marketing. Some call it “black hat” others don’t. They see it as an important part of their affiliate marketing strategy. So, should you cloak your affiliate links?
So first off, what the heck is link cloaking?