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4 Affiliate Marketing Strategies to Dramatically Outperform Your List Size

4 Affiliate Marketing Strategies to Dramatically Outperform Your List Size

It’s easy to think that you have to have tens or hundreds of thousands of people on your email list to get on the leaderboard of your next affiliate promotion. That is simply not true. Today I share my takeaways from a conversation I had with my friend Matthew Loomis about how he finished SECOND in a recent launch — outperforming people with lists 2 or 3 times bigger than his.

Strategies for affiliate marketing with Matthew Loomis

Last year Matthew Loomis surprised everyone (I’ll admit it…including me) when he finished second during the Fall 2016 Tribe Writers launch. For his list size, he GREATLY outperformed his list size — beating out affiliates with much larger lists.

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How to Win at Affiliate Marketing with No List

How to Win at Affiliate Marketing with No List

Is it possible to win at affiliate marketing if you literally have no list at all? The short answer is yes. I’ve seen it done many times, often with huge commissions resulting. In today’s video, I show you how.

The great thing about this video is that the information applies whether you have no list, a small list, or even a huge list.

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How to Get the Most Out of Your Next Affiliate Promo

How to Get the Most Out of Your Next Affiliate Promo

How do you know if you are doing everything you need to do to make the most of each affiliate promotion? The answer lies in something so simple it’s almost easy to ignore…a checklist. Today, I’ll share how I use a checklist to make sure I’m getting the most out of each promo…and how you can get it, too.

In the past, I did my affiliate promotions by the seat of my pants. Each time, I basically made up a new promotion strategy, if I had one at all.

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BLUF Your Way to More Affiliate Sales (And Other Writing Rules)

BLUF Your Way to More Affiliate Sales (And Other Writing Rules)

Great writing can be the difference between affiliate marketing mediocrity and affiliate marketing rockstardom. For nearly a decade, I’ve followed 10 simple writing rules. These rules have helped me to make millions of dollars online. And since they are universal rules, they will work for you.

Affiliate marketing is all about communication. If you communicate well, your audience trusts you, which means more sales. If you communicate well, your audience is compelled to buy, which means more sales. If you communicate…well, you get the point.

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