Inside Look at Ray Edwards’ Affiliate Bonus Packages [VIDEO]

Inside Look at Ray Edwards’ Affiliate Bonus Packages [VIDEO]

Ray Edwards is always one of the top affiliates in every launch he supports. He consistently outperforms his list size and always seems to surprise me. One of the biggest reasons is he always has great bonuses.

I recently shot this video for Michael Hyatt’s affiliates. In it, Ray Edwards is gracious enough to spend more than twenty minutes breaking down his bonus package for Michael’s launch.

10 Ways to Go the Extra Mile With Your Affiliate Promotions

10 Ways to Go the Extra Mile With Your Affiliate Promotions

As I type this, I am in the middle of running another massive launch, this time for Michael Hyatt. The upside to these launches is that they are fun, they have massive impact, and well…we make a lot of money. The downside is that it’s really hard to stand out. Today, I’ll share 10 ways you can go the extra mile and really stand out, serve your audience better, and sell a lot more!

If you want to break out of the clutter of large affiliate promotions, you have to go the extra mile.

How to Close Sales on the Final Day of a Launch

How to Close Sales on the Final Day of a Launch

When you promote a product launch as an affiliate, you know that the last day is the biggest day. On average, 40-60% of sales can come on the last day. I’ve even seen some affiliates at the top of leaderboards with 70%+ in the final 24 hours. Today, I’ll show you how to close with a bang and double or even triple your commissions on the last day.

I was reviewing the stats from the past year of launches that we’ve run for awesome people like Michael Hyatt, Ray Edwards, Jeff Goins, and others and I noticed an interesting trend. It was almost universally true.

Danny Iny’s 5 Secrets to Affiliate Promotions

Danny Iny’s 5 Secrets to Affiliate Promotions

In the past year, I’ve had the great pleasure of getting to know a highly successful online marketer named Danny Iny. I also had the chance, as one of his top affiliate partners, to join other top performers at his JV mastermind. Here are five affiliate success secrets Danny shared with us.

Danny has built a massive online business. As a result, he has not only run his own mega-launches but he has been a top affiliate for numerous others.