How an Affiliate I Barely Knew Sold Me a $2,000 Program in Just One Email

How an Affiliate I Barely Knew Sold Me a $2,000 Program in Just One Email

This is a guest post from Tarzan Kay. Yes, that is her real name. In addition to having the coolest name in online marketing, Tarzan is a copywriter who teaches others how to write effective copy that converts. Visit her website for more awesome stuff..

What is the ultimate key to rocking an affiliate launch? It’s probably not what you think (or maybe it is and I’m just employing some ninja copywriting tactic to get you to read on). Either way, you should read on.

February is one of the craziest seasons for affiliate launches. For one simple reason—Marie Forleo’s B-School. B-School is one of the most competitive affiliate communities out there.

What to Do When an Affiliate Promotion Isn’t Performing

What to Do When an Affiliate Promotion Isn’t Performing

What do you do when you’ve agreed to promote something and it’s a total flop? Maybe it’s not resonating with your audience. Perhaps the sales funnel isn’t converting. Or for reasons beyond your understanding, it’s just not working. What do you do?

Affiliate promotion not performing

A reader who wishes to remain anonymous was recently going through this exact problem. He agreed to promote someone’s launch and it tanked.

7 Ways to Promote Evergreen Affiliate Offers

7 Ways to Promote Evergreen Affiliate Offers

We all love the big product launches. They are exciting, have great contests and prizes, and a wonderful way to bring in a lot of money in a short time. But evergreen offers can be incredibly lucrative as well.

How to promote evergreen affiliate offers
The advantages of a time-bound launch are clear:

  1. They build buzz. When many people are promoting the same thing, it certainly makes waves.
  2. Affiliates love the contests and prizes. Let’s face it…affiliates are competitive by nature.
  3. The “Launch Echo.” A “launch echo” is the natural positive effect launches have on your brand, which is often long-lasting. Credit to Jeff Walker for coining this term.

But they also have their downsides…

7 Ways to Warm Up Your Audience Before an Affiliate Promotion

7 Ways to Warm Up Your Audience Before an Affiliate Promotion

Imagine for a moment that you are at a party and an acquaintance of yours tries to sell you something from someone you’ve never heard of. It’s not likely that you are going to be that interested. And yet, that is what most people try to do every time they promote and affiliate offer.

How to warm up email list for promotion

Imagine that same party and that same friend now. But instead of introducing you to someone you’ve heard of, he introduces you to someone he’s talked about before. It’s a totally difference scenario.

Top 10 Mistakes Affiliates Make on Social Media

Top 10 Mistakes Affiliates Make on Social Media

I’m not sure if you heard but social media is a big deal. And it’s evolving every five minutes. As social media has grown in popularity and impact, so have the number of mistakes entrepreneurs make, especially when promoting affiliate offers.

Mistakes affiliates make on social media

Today I’m sharing the top 10 mistakes affiliates make on social media. I’ve purposely kept them outlet-neutral, since tomorrow there will be a new one and by next week something will die out. These apply to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and whatever pops up later today.