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How to Succeed at Affiliate Marketing with a Small Email List

How to Succeed at Affiliate Marketing with a Small Email List

Is it possible to succeed at affiliate marketing with a small email list? You bet it is! Today, I share an awesome case study with John Meese who made $5,359 in affiliate commissions in just one month with a list of only 1,302 subscribers.

If you haven’t noticed, I am a big believer in affiliate marketing as an income builder. From 2014 to 2015, I made more than $100,000 in just in affiliate commissions. My list was never more than 2,000 people.

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How Many Affiliate Launches Can You Promote Each Year?

How Many Affiliate Launches Can You Promote Each Year?

One of the most common questions I get from readers is, “How many affiliate launches can I promote each year?” That is a bit of a loaded question that normally gets a response with even more questions. Here’s how to decide how many promotions are right for you.

First, you have to acknowledge that there is no “one-size-fits-all” answer. For some people, the answer may be as few as two per year, while others have tons of success promoting as many as 15 per year.

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How an Affiliate I Barely Knew Sold Me a $2,000 Program in Just One Email

How an Affiliate I Barely Knew Sold Me a $2,000 Program in Just One Email

This is a guest post from Tarzan Kay. Yes, that is her real name. In addition to having the coolest name in online marketing, Tarzan is a copywriter who teaches others how to write effective copy that converts. Visit her website for more awesome stuff..

What is the ultimate key to rocking an affiliate launch? It’s probably not what you think (or maybe it is and I’m just employing some ninja copywriting tactic to get you to read on). Either way, you should read on.

February is one of the craziest seasons for affiliate launches. For one simple reason—Marie Forleo’s B-School. B-School is one of the most competitive affiliate communities out there.

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What to Do When an Affiliate Promotion Isn’t Performing

What to Do When an Affiliate Promotion Isn’t Performing

What do you do when you’ve agreed to promote something and it’s a total flop? Maybe it’s not resonating with your audience. Perhaps the sales funnel isn’t converting. Or for reasons beyond your understanding, it’s just not working. What do you do?

Affiliate promotion not performing

A reader who wishes to remain anonymous was recently going through this exact problem. He agreed to promote someone’s launch and it tanked.

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