Should I Focus on Affiliate Promotions or My Own Products?

Should I Focus on Affiliate Promotions or My Own Products?

It can be hard to choose what to focus on: Your own products or affiliate promotions. But what if it didn’t have to be either/or but it was both/and?

Affiliate promotions or my own products?

Asheritah Ciuciu from One Thing Alone recently reached to me and said this:

I’m still trying to figure out where affiliates fit in. Obviously, I don’t want to detract from our own work and momentum, but some side income would be nice as well.

The Sequence of Success in Affiliate Promotions [UPDATED]

The Sequence of Success in Affiliate Promotions [UPDATED]

You might think there is some sort of a success secret to promoting affiliate offers, but there isn’t. There’s no formula. No sauce. But there is a proven sequence that works every time. If you follow this sequence, you will be successful in your promotions.

Success secrets in affiliate marketing

The thing about this “Sequence of Success” is that it applies to anything in life. Once you learn it, you’ll see how it’s true everywhere.

Powerful Lessons from a First Time Affiliate Launch

Powerful Lessons from a First Time Affiliate Launch

We all have to start somewhere. Some first time affiliate launches are big. Some are small. Some are resounding successes, while others are unmitigated disasters. Most, however, fall somewhere in between. That’s exactly what happened to Scott Barlow with his first affiliate launch.

Scott Barlow Happen to your Career Affiliate Program

This is the first in a series of posts called “My First Affiliate Launch.” Each post will highlight an online entrepreneur who recently ran their first affiliate launch. This month’s featured launch is from Scott Barlow. Scott has ran several successful businesses, conducted over 2,000 interviews as an HR professional and personally has made several successful career changes. Scott’s course, Figure Out What Fits helps people discover their strengths and decide what work fits them so they can design their work around their life and not the other way around.

I’ve participated in JV launches for over 2 years for several different courses. Some of them were total failures and others have been very successful.

I recently moved into doing JV Partnerships for my own products as a way to build out my list and be able to reach a greater number of people.

We began by offering a free 8 day course that helps people learn what they should be doing for work or business. Later, this turned into webinars. With each new affiliate partner we would offer the 8 day course to their list — which was an extremely high value optin and led to an opportunity for people to learn more through the webinar. We went through this same sequence one affiliate partner at a time. This allowed us to send a lot of people through the 8 day course and do a lot of webinars so we could really perfect our messaging and sales funnel.

Once I had proven the sales funnel and messaging I knew I wanted to do a full JV launch.

We did our first full-scale affiliate launch in January 2016 with approximately 15 affiliates.

When Should You Bring on Affiliate Partners?

When Should You Bring on Affiliate Partners?

I got a question recently from a reader that I love to answer because the answer is so counterintuitive. When should you bring on affiliate partners to promote your product?

When should you bring on affiliate partners

A blog reader, Sue Dunlevie from SuccessfulBlogging.com, recently asked a question that I get so often here:

When are you ready to take on affiliates? Should I wait for one or two more launches?

I LOVE this question because it shows that Sue gets it. She isn’t looking for a get-rich-quick answer. She knows that slow and steady wins the race here.

I shot a short video to answer her question and shed some light on the process we take with prospective clients launching new products.

The 5 Pillars of Your Best Launch Ever

I’m super excited to announce the release of my brand new training video, The 5 Pillars of Your Best Launch Ever.

How to run an affiliate launch

This free training is available for the first time to the public and covers the five strategies you must use to make your next affiliate promotion your best ever.

You can get it free only by subscribing to my email list here.

The training is just over 20 minutes in length and will show you the proven path to maximizing your commissions and best serving your audience.


How I Earned $2,269.85 in Affiliate Commissions in 90 Minutes Using Live Chat

How I Earned $2,269.85 in Affiliate Commissions in 90 Minutes Using Live Chat

Recently, Josh Turner had one of the biggest JV launches of the year with The Appointment Generator. Somewhat amazingly, I finished 9th ahead of some of the biggest names in online marketing. How’d I do it? That’s what I share below.

Affiliates using live chat for commissions

First off, the number one factor in my success was Josh Turner himself (and his product). I’d be doing a disservice if I didn’t give credit where it is due and Josh and his team deserve a lot of the credit. As I mentioned before, picking the right products to promote is the number one key to success in affiliate marketing. If you are looking for something awesome to promote, sign-up for Josh’s program and he’ll let you know when his next launch is.