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The 5 Pillars of Your Best Launch Ever

I’m super excited to announce the release of my brand new training video, The 5 Pillars of Your Best Launch Ever.

How to run an affiliate launch

This free training is available for the first time to the public and covers the five strategies you must use to make your next affiliate promotion your best ever.

You can get it free only by subscribing to my email list here.

The training is just over 20 minutes in length and will show you the proven path to maximizing your commissions and best serving your audience.


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How I Earned $2,269.85 in Affiliate Commissions in 90 Minutes Using Live Chat

How I Earned $2,269.85 in Affiliate Commissions in 90 Minutes Using Live Chat

Recently, Josh Turner had one of the biggest JV launches of the year with The Appointment Generator. Somewhat amazingly, I finished 9th ahead of some of the biggest names in online marketing. How’d I do it? That’s what I share below.

Affiliates using live chat for commissions

First off, the number one factor in my success was Josh Turner himself (and his product). I’d be doing a disservice if I didn’t give credit where it is due and Josh and his team deserve a lot of the credit. As I mentioned before, picking the right products to promote is the number one key to success in affiliate marketing. If you are looking for something awesome to promote, sign-up for Josh’s program and he’ll let you know when his next launch is.

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When is the Right Time to Start Promoting Affiliate Offers?

When is the Right Time to Start Promoting Affiliate Offers?

Conventional wisdom tells you that the right time to start promoting affiliate offers is after a certain point. One year of blogging, 1,000 subscribers, after a certain number of this or that. I’m here to tell you conventional wisdom is all WRONG!

When is the Right Time to Start Promoting Affiliate Offers?

The Brick and Mortar Approach

Imagine you had a brick and mortar store. Would you wait a year to start selling something? Would you even wait a week?

Of course not!

Would you wait until the 1,000th person walked in before you sold something? No.

Would you wait until your store was more famous? How absurd!

You’d start selling something…anything…right away.

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