Wow! Can you believe it? 500 episodes! Today, we’re turning the tables and I’m getting interviewed for my own podcast. In celebration of my 500th episode, I’m answering all kinds of questions about...
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The Power of the Dream 100 with Dana Derricks
I’m so excited about today’s episode because I finally get to introduce you to someone who has made a huge impact on my business. If you want to learn how to connect with potential affiliate...
How to Use Pinterest for Affiliate Marketing
Pinterest is averaging nearly one BILLION visits per month. They have more than 400 MILLION active monthly users. It’s users are active and highly engaged buyers. It’s a huge opportunity for...
How to Use TikTok for Affiliate Marketing
As of this recording, TikTok is the fastest growing social media network for Gen Z and Millenials. Personally, I’ve completely ignored it but with more than one billion active monthly users, it has...
How to Promote Evergreen Affiliate Offers
Who DOESN'T love a big product launch? Let's face it...they're exciting! The great contests! Fantastic prizes! And, let's not forget...a wonderful way to bring in a lot of money in a short time! ...
How to Use Podcasting to Grow Your Affiliate Program
When it comes to making money online, podcasting is one of THE best ways to do it. Podcasting provides you with an effective channel to build your brand. And allows you to get recognized for your...