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Why You Should Promote Your Competitors as an Affiliate [VIDEO]

Can you imagine Coke and Pepsi suddenly deciding to promote one another? I know that sounds completely insane, but thankfully, for most of us, working with competitors is a great way to grow our businesses. In this video, I’ll show you why and how competitors make great affiliates, plus why and how you should promote them.

In this video, I share you the four ways to work with competitors as affiliates. Put these tips to use and you’ll find that competitors will be some of your best affiliates.

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What do You do if You Can’t Reciprocate an Affiliate Promotion? [VIDEO]

What do you do if someone is a good fit to promote your offer but the reverse is not true? This happens all the time in the affiliate world. Someone else has a perfect audience for your product, but their product is not a good fit for your audience. When this happens, what do you do? That’s what today’s video is all about.

Most larger affiliates will want some sort of reciprocation. In other words, “You promote me, I’ll promote you.”

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My #1 Affiliate Recruiting Email Revealed

My #1 Affiliate Recruiting Email Revealed

Without the right affiliates, you can have the greatest offer, the best product, and a killer sales funnel and your affiliate launch will still be a flop. So then, how do you recruit great affiliates?

Recruiting great affiliates starts with who you know – your network. But today’s post actually shares a way you can recruit top affiliates without knowing anyone. In it, I am revealing, for the first time ever to the public, my number one recruiting email.

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What Are The Best Places to Find Affiliates?

What Are The Best Places to Find Affiliates?

I still remember the first time I heard the term “affiliate.” I’d just started working with a friend at a startup. We had virtually no money and what little we had we’d just blown on banner ads (this was 2005). The idea of affiliates was mesmerizing.

where can you find affiliates?

My friend and I spent the next hour talking about how amazing this idea was. It was no-risk (you only pay if you make a sale) and high-reward.

We went on and on about how we could make affiliates a part of our business. We marveled at the endless possibilities.

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How to ASK Others to Promote Your Affiliate Program

How to ASK Others to Promote Your Affiliate Program

The majority of the population has a hard time asking for things, even from those whom they’ve helped. For some, the idea of it is downright terrifying. But if you are going to succeed in launching a product or service, you’ll have to get over your fears and learn how to ASK.

How to Ask others to promote your launch

I recently received a very common question from a reader, Adam Franklin. Adam is one of our top partners in multiple launches and one of my favorite people in online marketing. You should definitely follow him on his blog.

He asked:

The #1 thing I struggle with is the “ask” — especially when I ask people to support me.

I am totally fine supporting other people’s launches, as you’ve probably noticed. And I’ve spent the last 18 months, forming and strengthening relationships on this basis. It’s easy because it’s GIVING.

But…when I try to recruit JV partners to support my material, that makes me a bit uncomfortable because I feel it more as TAKING. I know it’s meant to be win-win etc… but there’s discomfort.

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