Working with internationally-based affiliates can open up a whole new world of opportunity for your affiliate program. But there are some challenges and considerations to keep in mind. In this...
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How to Make Your Affiliate Program Attractive to Affiliates
In the increasingly competitive world of affiliate programs, how do you stand out? How do you create an affiliate program that is so attractive to potential affiliates that they just HAVE to join?...
How to Use the Holidays to Recruit More Affiliates
The holidays can be a great time to find new affiliates and attract them to your program. Affiliates are often looking for new opportunities and the increased prospect of more sales and more...
How to Steal Affiliates From Your Competition
What if you could steal affiliates from your competition? That would be pretty freaking awesome right? Not only is this one of the easiest ways to start and grow an affiliate program, but it has the...
Listener Q&A: Finding Affiliates, What’s Working in Affiliate Recruiting, Email Templates, and More
You’ve got questions. I’ve got answers. Today, I’m answering a backlog of affiliate marketing questions from affiliate recruiting to how to write an email to your affiliates. Plus, thoughts on...
Top 5 Biggest Affiliate Recruiting Mistakes
Finding and recruiting affiliates is not complicated. But there are five things you can do (or not do) to really make it difficult…and even destroy your efforts. Today, I’ll share what the most...