So you've heard of GMass and you're interested? But is GMass right for you? Make sure to read this first. You’ll kick yourself later if you don’t. So…you may be thinking...hey, what's GMass Mail...
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Working With Competitors As Affiliates
Your competitors are probably your BEST source of affiliate partners... That’s probably not a statement you’d expect to see coming from me. After all, if you’ve followed me for any length of time,...
How to Decide to Accept or Decline an Affiliate
How do you determine good affiliates from bad affiliates? How do you know if you should accept or decline someone who applies for your affiliate program? Or…is there some sort of middle ground?...
How to Find Affiliates for a Book Launch (or Any Launch)
If you’ve ever thought about writing a book…and actually selling it, you need affiliates. The reality is that books, like most products, don’t sell themselves. Most bestsellers have an army of...
How to Use Leaderboards to Find Affiliates
Today I’m going to share a little secret weapon with you. It’s something I’ve used to get some awesome affiliates and develop some amazing relationships over the years. I shared it with a client the...
Top Affiliate Managers Reveal Their Holiday Strategies
It’s the holiday season and I’m having a little holiday party with some of my top affiliate manager friends. Their going to reveal their top strategies for running successful affiliate programs...