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Using Paid Traffic to Find Affiliates [PODCAST]

Using Paid Traffic to Find Affiliates [PODCAST]

This is part 5 of a series on ways to find affiliates. If you missed the first 4 episodes, make sure to go back and listen to them. In them, I also shared a free resource you’ll want to get to follow along. So before you listen, make sure to get my free report, Your First 100 Affiliates. Grab it now and we’ll go through it together. Today we’re going to talk about using paid traffic to find affiliates.

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How to Work with Competitors as Affiliates [PODCAST]

How to Work with Competitors as Affiliates [PODCAST]

This is part 4 of a series on ways to find affiliates. If you missed the first 3 episodes, make sure to go back and listen to them. (Episodes 8, 12, and 15). In them, I also shared a free resource you’ll want to get to follow along. Go get my free report, Your First 100 Affiliates and use it as your affiliate recruiting guide. Today I am going to share 4 examples of competitors as affiliates.

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3 Surprising Sources of Affiliate Partners [PODCAST]

3 Surprising Sources of Affiliate Partners [PODCAST]

This is part three of a series on ways to find affiliates. If you missed the first two episodes, make sure to go back and listen to them.  In them, I also shared a free resource you’ll want to get to follow along. So before you listen, make sure to get my free report, Your First 100 Affiliates. Today I’m going to share three great places to find affiliates that you might not have thought of.

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Why You Need Your Own Affiliates

Why You Need Your Own Affiliates

I still remember the first time I heard the term “affiliate.” I’d just started working with a friend at a startup. We had virtually no money and what little we had we’d just blown on banner ads (this was 2005). The idea of affiliates was mesmerizing. Today I share why YOU need your own affiliates.

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