If you are bringing on affiliates or running an affiliate program, it is your responsibility to make sure your partners have everything they need. And I mean everything. But what are the most...
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How to ASK Others to Promote Your Affiliate Program
The majority of the population has a hard time asking for things, even from those whom they've helped. For some, the idea of it is downright terrifying. But if you are going to succeed in launching...
Why You Should Promote Products You Haven’t Used
Can you promote a product you haven't personally used? I get that question all the time from new affiliates (and seasoned ones as well). You will hear a lot of very successful affiliates say that...
How To Get Affiliates To Mail More Often
So you've got your affiliates lined up for your big product launch or promotion. Now what? Getting a certain number of affiliates to mail once or twice for your promotion is one thing, but getting...
How to use Swipe Copy as an Affiliate
Of all the things that we for our clients' affiliate programs, the most time-consuming task is writing swipe copy. Unfortunately, most affiliates don't use it properly...usually because no one...
How to Create Swipe Copy for Your Affiliates
One of the single most important keys to a successful affiliate program is great swipe copy. Done right, it's a powerful tool that will help your affiliates succeed. Yet, I see so many affiliate...