Like many things, there's a right way and an "okay" way to onboard new affiliates. Since you're reading this, I'm assuming you're interested in learning how to bring on affiliate partners in such a...
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The 10 Commandments of Great Affiliate Managers
Ever wonder what it takes to become a GREAT affiliate manager? What do the great ones do that elevates their game to the highest level? Well, you can stop's post is going to lay...
2023 FTC Endorsement Guide Updates: What Affiliates and Affiliate Programs Need to Know
In the world of affiliate marketing, big news has just hit the scene. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has recently released updated guidelines that are set to have a major impact on affiliate...
How To Start An Affiliate Program For Free
Is it possible to start an affiliate program for FREE? Like actually get people promoting your business without spending money on tools, tracking systems and a bunch of other things? The short...
The Problem With Most Books
The problem with MANY books out there is this: They contain GREAT information but they don’t include action items. There’s no easy path on how to implement what you learn. In my book, Turn Your...
How To Get More From The Books You Read
Ever read a book and then found yourself staring at it a few months later struggling to even remember what you learned? Or…you remember a lot but you haven’t IMPLEMENTED a single thing? You’re not...