
5 Ways to Grow Your Network and Keep it Warm

How would you like to build a powerful network that you can call on when you need it most?

The kind of network that you can call on when you lose your job, launch a new product, or simply need some advice. The kind of network that makes you money, is there when you need it, and continues to grow simply from introductions from other people in your network. Would you like that kind of a network?

Well, the good news is that it’s completely possible. All it takes is a little effort and a little know-how. Today, I will share with you the five simple ways I’ve grown my network and kept it warm for when I need it.

How to grow your network and keep it warm Growing your network doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s how to do it. (Tweet That) | Share this Graphic on Pinterest | Share on Facebook

The old saying goes: “It’s not what you know, but who you know.”

How to Boost Your Productivity to Uncharted Levels – These 10 Ways

What if you could magically have an extra half hour or more to yourself or with family each day?

And what if you could increase your productivity by as much as 50% at the same time?

Boost Productivity
What if you had more free time and got more done at the same time? You can! (Tweet That) | Share this Graphic on Pinterest | Share on Facebook

Does that sound like something you’d like? I know it sounds unrealistic, but it’s entirely possible. Let me show you how.

Before we go any further, let me make something very clear. Not one of these 10 tips is a magical productivity bullet. There is no such thing.

Let me also be clear that this list comes from my own personal experience struggling to stay focused and meet deadlines. Each of these works for me, but some of them might not be ideal for you. If you implement a good number of them, though, you really can find yourself spending less time at work and getting more done.

10 ways to boost your productivity…today

1. Realize this first

Before you apply any productivity hacks or new routines, first realize and acknowledge to yourself that you will never, I repeat never, accomplish everything in one day that you need to.

Lesson from Under Armour: Do You Make This One Networking Mistake?

There is one mistake that almost everyone makes when networking.

This one killer mistake destroys the best laid plans, often derails potentially great businesses before they even get started, and discourages people from even trying to build their network.

Networking Mistake Powerful networking lesson from Kevin Plank and @UnderArmour. (Tweet That) | Share this Graphic on Pinterest | Share on Facebook

What is that mistake? I share it below, but first I want to share a story with you.

Let’s say you are starting a company. This, according to my reader survey, is true for at least 20% of you.

This company manufactures compression t-shirts for athletes. Your product is genuinely superior to anything on the market, but how do you get the word out? How can you possibly compete with the likes of Nike, Reebok, and Adidas?

By not making the one mistake most people make when networking or building a business.

And just what is that mistake?

Targeting the wrong people.

When most people network, they tend to target the wrong two groups of people. I’ve seen it time and time again.

Why Our 3 Year Old is Better at Business than Most Business Owners

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You’re about to get a business lesson from a toddler.

My not quite three year old daughter wants to start a business.

Not someday. Right now.

And she is smarter at business than most business owners today.

Young Business Owner
Find out why @MattMcWilliams2’s 3-year old daughter is better at business than most business owners today. (Tweet That) | Share this Graphic on Pinterest | Share on Facebook

Aracelli’s attitude about getting into business is “Why wait?”

She wants to start a candle-making business right now and asked Tara and me for help. So, we’re starting another business…with a toddler.

I was in her room playing with her and (no joke) she said:

“Time to work on our business.”

In reality it was time for her nap, but she did spend a few minutes planning and talking with me.

With no prompting from me, she distilled three powerful business lessons into only a few words.

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Can You Ever Go Too Far In Customer Service?

“You can’t just give away a course away! That cost us $99.”

Those were the words that a customer service rep yelled at me one afternoon. It was soon followed up with a lengthy email on which he copied the CEO of the company (don’t ever do that, by the way – See Rule #5 on How Not to Suck at Email).

What exactly had caused that outburst and childish email?

Customer Service Gone Too Far

Ultimately it came down to his answer to the question in the title of this post, can you go too far in customer service?

I believe the answer is generally “no.” Most of us in business are not wired to just give away the farm. In fact, we’re generally stingy. So for most of us, the answer is an emphatic “no.” This customer service rep felt otherwise.

When Your Business is at the End of it’s Rope

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Have you ever been told to “keep both eyes on the ball?”

A friend of mine said that very thing a while back. His business is struggling and he is battling the constant fight to maintain balance between the future (vision) and the present (day-to-day responsibilities).

He, and his business it seemed, was at the end of their ropes.

Business at the end of its rope

This is what I wrote to him and what I write to all of you, whether your business is struggling, wildly successful, or you have no business at all:

It’s so easy to stray from your vision by getting sidetracked by day-to-day work.

It’s not that you lost sight of your vision. It’s that you never really had a vision to begin with.