Few people in the online marketing space have had a greater impact on my business than Jeff Walker. If you aren’t familiar with Jeff, he is the creator of Product Launch Formula (PLF) and has...
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Lessons from the World’s Most Productive Man (Craig Ballantyne)
What would the world's most productive man do during a pandemic? How would he navigate the changing times? Well, your going to find out in this episode, because I'm interviewing one of my mentors,...
The #1 Key for ANY Business
For the longest time, I ran my business pretty much by the seat of my pants. Maybe you can relate. One of my biggest faults was that I wasn’t CLEAR on who I served. Once I got crystal clear on who I...
Picking the Right Niche (Private Coaching Session)
How do you pick the right niche for your platform? Do you chase the money? Focus on an area of interest? Or share what you already know? Today, I share a private coaching session helping someone...
How to Work Less AND Make More with Thembi Bheka
Ever felt like the biggest thing holding you back was tech stuff? Ever felt like you are working WAY too much for not much return? Today, I’ve got a special guest who will show you how you can work...
The Right Time to Hire a VA with Thembi Bheka
Ok...let's talk about VAs (Virtual Assistants). It's one of the BEST ways to build and grow your business quickly without a ton of overhead, HR issues, etc. BUT, that's only if you find the RIGHT VA...