The “F” Word – The Most Powerful Lesson I’ve Learned in Business in 2020

The “F” Word – The Most Powerful Lesson I’ve Learned in Business in 2020

Few people in the online marketing space have had a greater impact on my business than Jeff Walker. If you aren’t familiar with Jeff, he is the creator of Product Launch Formula (PLF) and has revolutionized the online marketing world. I owe much of my success in my business to the things that I have learned from Jeff’s course, book, videos, and emails. Today, I share the most powerful lesson I have ever learned from Jeff Walker (and, I promise, it’s not what you think!).

The #1 Key for ANY Business

The #1 Key for ANY Business

For the longest time, I ran my business pretty much by the seat of my pants. Maybe you can relate. One of my biggest faults was that I wasn’t CLEAR on who I served. Once I got crystal clear on who I served, business was a heck of a lot easier! I realized later that getting that clarity was by far the #1 key to my success…in fact, nothing else was even CLOSE! If you want that clarity, too, listen up to this episode!

The Right Time to Hire a VA with Thembi Bheka

The Right Time to Hire a VA with Thembi Bheka

Ok…let’s talk about VAs (Virtual Assistants). It’s one of the BEST ways to build and grow your business quickly without a ton of overhead, HR issues, etc. BUT, that’s only if you find the RIGHT VA that’s a good fit for you and your business. VAs have changed my business…and I want to make sure that YOU have the information to hire the right VA for YOUR business… …and