In this series of how to close more affiliate sales, today’s secret was the most surprising to me. But it is also one of the most impactful. When I studied the optins for the top converters vs. the average or below average converters, I found that 13% of the top converters sales came DIRECTLY from links to live events such as webinars and AMAs. Only 5% of the below average converters’ sales did. That’s secret #6 and the topic of today’s podcast.
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Key #5 to Closing More Affiliate Sales (Get VERY Personal)
This secret to closing affiliate sales might make you uncomfortable. It’s all about sharing YOUR personal story. Transformation stories are critical. People love them and they move sales. But you have to be willing to get vulnerable when you share your story. Today, I share how to take advantage of key #5 to closing affiliate sales.
Key #4 to Closing More Affiliate Sales (Email Frequency in the last 48 Hours)
The number of times an affiliate emailed in the last 48 (and especially 24) hours was the number one factor in closing affiliate sales. So, how do you do this without burning your list and getting a mass of unsubscribes? Today, I share exactly how in key #4 of closing affiliate sales.
Key #3 to Closing More Affiliate Sales (Host an AMA)
I’m back with part three of a series on closing affiliate sales. Today, I’m sharing one of the coolest tricks of the trade in my opinion because I’ve seen it work for even the smallest affiliates. It’s hosting an AMA to talk about the affiliate offer. This flat out works! Listen up for how to make the most of it and for some special swipe copy for you.
Key #2 to Closing More Affiliate Sales (Bonuses)
We’re continuing our series on closing affiliate sales with the second key…killer affiliate bonuses. Each of the 11 highest converting affiliates I studied mentioned their bonuses in at least 75% of their open cart emails. Today I share more about great affiliate bonuses and how to create the perfect affiliate bonus package.
Use what you have.
Create nothing if possible.
Fit the offer.
Aim for Equal Value or higher.
Sell them like crazy.
The Secrets of Closing Affiliate Sales
Closing sales is what separates the top affiliates from the rest of the affiliate world. Over the next few episodes, I’m going to be sharing my latest research on closing sales. What I am teaching in these episodes can literally double or triple your commissions.