Is it better to receive a flat fee for sending an email blast for a company, or becoming an affiliate for them and earning an affiliate commission? That's a question I got recently from one of our...
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We Sent 10 Emails in ONE Day for an Affiliate Promotion…Here’s What Happened [PODCAST]
We are finishing up our BEST affiliate promotion EVER today...but 2 years ago we had what was our best. And on the final day of that promotion, we sent 10 (yes TEN!) emails. In this episode I share...
New Ways To Use Email For Affiliate Marketing
One of the most effective ways to promote affiliate offers is through email marketing. Most people use the exact same process to promote affiliate offers in their emails. But today, I'm going to...
How To Sell in Your Emails Without Being “Salesy”
Do you worry about being "salesy?" If so, this video is for you. This is the replay of a LIVE lesson I did recently on Facebook, sharing 3 tips on how to sell in your emails...WITHOUT being salesy....
3 Reasons You Should Send More Emails on the Weekend [PODCAST]
A lot of online business owners don't send emails on the weekends. They only email Monday-Friday. The data suggests that is a HUGE mistake. Today, I'll share 3 reasons why you should be emailing...
5 Email Marketing Secrets for Closing More Affiliate Sales
Having an email list is great. It's fun to log in to your email system and see your subscriber counts increasing. But you must turn those subscribers into BUYERS to run a successful business. I've...