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Why You Already Have What it Takes to Build a Successful Online Business

Why You Already Have What it Takes to Build a Successful Online Business

Have you ever wondered if you have what it takes to be successful in online business? Have you ever doubted that you can succeed as an affiliate or run a huge product launch? Do you watch others being successful and think, “that will never be me”? If so, this is for you.

What it takes to succeed in online business

At one time or another, we all have doubts.

We think that we don’t have enough experience. Or that we have the wrong kind.

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5 More Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Live Longer

Why do entrepreneurs live nearly six years longer than the rest of the population?

Yesterday I shared the number one reason why: control. Despite the stress of “going it alone” and the perceived risk entrepreneurs take (the reality is that entrepreneurship is the least risky career path), entrepreneurs are in control. Or at least they feel in control, and that is what matters most according to the research.

5 reasons why entrepreneurs live longer
Freedom, impact, less stress…3 reasons why entrepreneurs live longer. Find out more. (Tweet That) | Share this Graphic on Pinterest | Share on Facebook

But what are some other reasons why entrepreneurs live 7.47% longer than everyone else? Here are five.

5 more reasons why entrepreneurs live longer

1. Freedom

Aracelli McWilliams feeding a giraffe
This moment made possible by entrepreneurial freedom.

When I worked for any of my previous companies (including my dad), I always had a schedule. That schedule didn’t change because someone (even someone as cute as our daughter) asked me to do something.

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The #1 Reason Why Entrepreneurs Live Longer

Did you know that entrepreneurs live 7.47% longer than the rest of the population?

That’s nearly six full years longer! Those six years represents a healthier life, which likely represents more joy, which likely leads to better relationships, tighter family units, and so on. Those six years are very important.

But why? Why do entrepreneurs live longer?

Why Entrepreneurs Live Longer Entrepreneurs live 7.47% longer than the rest of the population. Find out why: (Tweet That) | Share this Graphic on Pinterest | Share on Facebook

I believe that the reason entrepreneurs live longer comes down to one word:


When many people think of the prototypical entrepreneur, they get a vision of a man or woman working 16 hours a day, pulling his or her hair out from the stress of bills, payrolls, decisions, and the fact that everything rests on him or her.

The lives of every employee and their children are in the entrepreneurs’ hands.

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Why Our 3 Year Old is Better at Business than Most Business Owners

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You’re about to get a business lesson from a toddler.

My not quite three year old daughter wants to start a business.

Not someday. Right now.

And she is smarter at business than most business owners today.

Young Business Owner
Find out why @MattMcWilliams2’s 3-year old daughter is better at business than most business owners today. (Tweet That) | Share this Graphic on Pinterest | Share on Facebook

Aracelli’s attitude about getting into business is “Why wait?”

She wants to start a candle-making business right now and asked Tara and me for help. So, we’re starting another business…with a toddler.

I was in her room playing with her and (no joke) she said:

“Time to work on our business.”

In reality it was time for her nap, but she did spend a few minutes planning and talking with me.

With no prompting from me, she distilled three powerful business lessons into only a few words.

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My Entrepreneurial Journey | On Fire Interview with John Lee Dumas

How did I end up here?

How did I end up an entrepreneur, working my own schedule, choosing my own clients, and enjoying my work?

Well it wasn’t all cupcakes and lollipops, that is for sure.

The journey of entrepreneurship is a winding road

I recently had the pleasure of sharing my story with John Lee Dumas of Entrepreneur on Fire. John’s podcast is one of the top-ranked podcasts in iTunes. It’s a seven-day-a-week podcast that has featured guests like Seth Godin, Tim Ferriss, Gary Vaynerchuk, Barbara Corcoran, Guy Kawasaki, Chris Brogan, and me (you tell me which one of those is not like the other).

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