When Should You Negotiate Affiliate Commissions?

When Should You Negotiate Affiliate Commissions?

Is there a right time or wrong time to negotiate affiliate commissions? Should you even negotiate at all? I was recently asked that question by one of my team members, Mark Sieverkropp. We hopped on a quick call and recorded our chat:

In this quick video, I share my thinking on when to negotiate your commissions, when to not, and the risks of doing so.

Mark gets his answer…and you get listen in.

How I Tripled my Income in 3 Years…After Getting Fired

I still remember the horror, the helplessness, and the hatred I had in my heart. I’d just been fired from the job I hated, but felt that I needed to keep. We’d just moved into a new home, with a new mortgage and our six-month old was asleep upstairs.

Increase income after getting fired

My first reaction was panic. I was terrified.

My next emotion was helplessness. I literally had no idea what to do. Sure, I hated my job. In fact, just the night before, my wife Tara essentially told me I needed to find a new job…or else. The stress and chaos was too much for either of us.

Next, I felt hatred. Towards the owner of the company. Towards myself for not leaving sooner on my own terms. Towards…well, “the system” and “the man.” I was just angry.

You Are Already a Millionaire…Now Start Acting Like It

Have you ever thought of yourself as a millionaire?
One of the biggest things I work on when coaching others is mindset. The biggest obstacle to their success is in their own minds.
When I ask if you’ve ever thought of yourself as a millionaire, I don’t mean in the future. I don’t mean catching a vision of your life one day, although that is important. I mean right now.
Already a Millionaire “You are priceless. Start acting like it.” -@MattMcWilliams2 (Tweet That) | Share this Graphic on Pinterest | Share on Facebook
“You are already a millionaire, it’s time to start acting like it,” I told a client.