The problem with MANY books out there is this: They contain GREAT information but they don’t include action items. There’s no easy path on how to implement what you learn. In my book, Turn Your...
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How To Get More From The Books You Read
Ever read a book and then found yourself staring at it a few months later struggling to even remember what you learned? Or…you remember a lot but you haven’t IMPLEMENTED a single thing? You’re not...
What Frozen Burritos Taught Me About Great Marketing
For 37 years, I struggled with something. This struggle kept me from enjoying one of life’s simple pleasures…the frozen burrito. Until recently…
I finally discovered the RIGHT WAY to cook a frozen burrito and I just had to share it with you.
Lessons from a Recent 7-Figure Affiliate Launch
What does a 7-figure launch look like? What type of planning, preparation, and execution are required to have that kind of success? The answer is — a lot! Today I am going to share with you the Top 3 takeaways from a recent affiliate launch we did for a client.
In all, we nearly doubled the size of the affiliate launch from the previous year!