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How I Got a 400% Increase in Tweets per Blog Post | Click to Tweet

Beginning four months ago, I saw a 400% increase in the number of tweets per blog post I write.

How? And why should you care?

Increase your click to tweet response

If you are a blogger, you should care because I am about to show you how to do the same thing I did.

If you are not a blogger, I am about to share a killer marketing tip with you.

If neither of these intrigues you, I promise punch and pie to one random person who leaves a comment on this post, so at the very least scan it, read the question, and let me know your thoughts. (Special note: Punch and/or pie only valid to Burmese residents named Tim)

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If You Build It…They Won’t Come | Small Business Marketing

Life isn’t like Field of Dreams. Just because you build something it doesn’t mean anyone will use it.

Open for Business Sign

Just because you open a business, create a killer product, offer top-notch consulting services at competitive prices, or incorporate yourself doesn’t mean that people will flock to give you money. The fact is that most businesses fail because of their marketing and sales.

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