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Michael Hyatt’s 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever Review and Bonuses

What do people like Tony Robbins, John Maxwell, Dave Ramsey, Chalene Johnson and Andy Andrews do at the beginning of every year? This free PDF from Michael Hyatt will show you:

Michael Hyatt Best Year Ever Book


In this book, more than 30 high achievers who each answered this question:

“What is the most important thing you do at the beginning of each year to set yourself up for your best year ever?”

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Review of Michael Hyatt’s 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever (Plus $598 in Bonuses)

Review of Michael Hyatt’s 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever (Plus $598 in Bonuses)

Do you want this year to be your best year ever? Who wouldn’t? Who actually started out this year saying, “You know, 2009 was as good as it gets. I really can’t beat that.” No one. We all want this year to be our best ever. And for next year to be better.

You may have seen Michael Hyatt’s course, 5 Days to Your Best Year Ever. He normally sells it for $194. But I’m here to tell you that you don’t have to spend $194 to have your best year ever. And, if you keep reading, you can get some killer bonuses from Michael and me.

Everything is at stake

Michael said something recently that convinced me to give it a try:

Everything is at stake by not seeking transformation now.


And he’s right.

If you waste one day, that might be the day that changes your life. One missed opportunity might set you back a week, a month, or even a year towards achieving your goals. It’s time to do something different. It’s time to invest in your best year ever.

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The #1 Secret to a Viral Blog Post…Or Any Success

Do you know the #1 secret to writing a crazy viral blog post? It’s also the #1 secret to being successful at anything. But most people don’t want to talk about it. You won’t find it in many how-to guides. It’s not fun or sexy or “no one ever told me about that before” amazing. In fact, it’s downright boring.

Success secret

First a story…my story.

I recently had my first truly viral post. It was this one: How to Properly End a Meeting, Regardless of Your Role.

Take a look at that post. There is nothing special about it. It was one of the least commented upon posts I wrote all of last year.

Don’t get me wrong. I thought it was good or I wouldn’t have shared it with you. (Trust me, I write a lot of crap that you never see)

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How to Turn Your Worst Disadvantages Into Your Biggest Assets

Do you ever hear the voices?

The voices that say you’re too old or too young, too plain or too pretty, too this or too that. You’ve failed too much, started too late, grew up too poor, or you’re inadequate in some way. The voices tell you that your disadvantages will always be just that…disadvantages. They will always hold you back and keep you from unleashing the World Changer that you are.

But what if you could turn your worst disadvantages into your biggest advantages? Yes, even the ones that have haunted you for years, kept you up at night, and crippled your development.

Turning disadvantages into assets What if you could turn your worst disadvantages into your biggest advantages? (Tweet That) | Share this Graphic on Pinterest | Share on Facebook

13 moves in 14 years

When I was growing up, I moved 13 times by the age of 14. And not just across town either. I lived in 11 different cities and went to 8 different schools.

I felt like life was out to get me. I never stayed in the same school for more than one year. As a result, I never had a friendship last more than one year. The three years I actually stayed in the same city and house from 4th to 6th grade, my best friend moved after 5th grade and I was rezoned for 6th. The bad breaks would almost comical if it weren’t for the pain that it caused at the time.

I felt lonely, isolated, and always the outsider. I never felt rooted. But…

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Why Paying a Record Amount in Taxes Doesn’t Bother Me

Happy April 15th!
Happy April 15th? Unless you are an IRS agent or accountant, who would dare say such a thing?
Surely, I am delusional. I can feel a few of you clenching your fists at me. At least one of you is thinking up ways to leave flaming bags of poo on my doorstep.
Jim Rohn Quote on Paying Taxes Don’t base your life on how your tax dollars are spent. Take charge of your own life. (Tweet That) | Share this Graphic on Pinterest | Share on Facebook
My wife and I paid a record amount in taxes this year. In fact, we paid more in taxes than most of my family has ever earned in one year.

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29 Things Successful People Never Say

There are certain things that no successful person ever says.

Successful people are intentional about the words they speak, to themselves and to others.

My dreams can wait - success quote “My dreams can wait.” Said no successful person ever. #SuccessNeverSays (Tweet That) | Share this Graphic on Pinterest | Share on Facebook

Below are 29 things successful people never say. It is by no means a complete list, so I want to hear from you.

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