How to Create Urgency in Evergreen Affiliate Offers

How to Create Urgency in Evergreen Affiliate Offers

How do you promote evergreen products…since there’s no urgency? We all love the big product launches. They are exciting, have great contests and prizes, and are a wonderful way to bring in a lot of money in a short time. But evergreen offers can be incredibly lucrative as well. So how do you build urgency? That’s what today’s episode is all about.

Listen below:

Why You Need Your Own Affiliates

Why You Need Your Own Affiliates

I still remember the first time I heard the term “affiliate.” I’d just started working with a friend at a startup. We had virtually no money and what little we had we’d just blown on banner ads (this was 2005). The idea of affiliates was mesmerizing. Today I share why YOU need your own affiliates.

Listen below: