How can you find affiliates if you don’t know anyone in your industry? Whether you are brand new or a seasoned vet, this episode will show you how to find affiliates for any niche.
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How can you find affiliates if you don’t know anyone in your industry? Whether you are brand new or a seasoned vet, this episode will show you how to find affiliates for any niche.
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I want you to fall in LOVE with affiliate marketing. Today’s episode shows you WHY and HOW.
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Is it possible for your list to be too small to do affiliate marketing? I got a question recently from a listener who asked that very question. This is my answer.
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This is part 5 of a series on ways to find affiliates. If you missed the first 4 episodes, make sure to go back and listen to them. In them, I also shared a free resource you’ll want to get to follow along. So before you listen, make sure to get my free report, Your First 100 Affiliates. Grab it now and we’ll go through it together. Today we’re going to talk about using paid traffic to find affiliates.
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Back in episode 11 I answered a question from Asheritah Ciuciu at One Thing Alone. She had a followup question about writing emails for affiliate offers.
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Yesterday I shared the first 5 mistakes affiliates make on social media. Today, I’ll finish this top 10 list with the last 5. As I said yesterday, I’ve purposely kept them outlet-neutral, since tomorrow there will be a new one and by next week something will die out. These apply to Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and whatever pops up later today.
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