There is a simple habit that really only takes 15 minutes a day to make an impact. In fact, it will expand your influence, open doors, and dramatically increase your income...IF you make it a habit....
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How to Stop Procrastinating Once and For All
Do you procrastinate too much? Are you waiting for your “big break” to take the next (or first) step towards your big goal? If so, then it’s time to get rid of procrastination once and for all. I’ll...
How Heidi Easley Finished Top 3 in a HUGE Affiliate Promo
Heidi Easley finished 3rd in one of the biggest affiliate launches of the entire year. She made more than $125,000 in commissions and prizes...all with a list that was not in the niche she was...
The Only 5 Reasons People Subscribe or Buy
Why do people actually subscribe? Why do people buy? What makes them give up one of their most prized possessions - their email address - to get access to a PDF or training? What makes them actually...
Think You’re Not an Expert? Think Again!
Think you’re not an expert? Think again. This episode is all about helping you to discover the inner expert and unleash your influence. [smart_track_player...
Replay: Overcoming Fear to Find Your Calling
In this week’s episode we went to the archives and pulled out one of our most popular episodes. This episode may have changed more lives than any other episode. Matt ponders the questions, “What if...