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Online Marketing Lessons from My Father

Online Marketing Lessons from My Father

My father never owned a computer. Never owned a cell phone. That I know of he never got on the internet a moment in his life. Yet he taught me almost everything I know about online marketing and business. He was never famous and never had a following but left a legacy that lives to this day…Today I’m sharing some of the most powerful lessons my dad taught me about online marketing.

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How Successful Businesses are Built on Failure

How Successful Businesses are Built on Failure

Most successful businesses are built on ONE thing…and it’s not the right idea, talent, or timing. It’s FAILURE. And the reason why most businesses don’t succeed and don’t make it past their first year or two is very simple…they don’t fail enough. Today, I’ll share how successful businesses are built on failure, how to use your failures as a catalyst to success, and how to test, test, test your way to success.

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