Question #1: Can you build a real business on a podcast? Question #2: If so, how? Today, I have a fascinating conversation with an amazing guest to answer both of those questions and show YOU how to...
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What to Do When an Affiliate Promo Isn’t Working
What do you do when an affiliate promotion isn’t working? You’re promoting, but making NO sales! Now what? And how do you avoid the situation in the first place? I answer both questions in today’s...
Unleashing Your Creative Power with Marcus Whitney
Marcus Whitney is a self-proclaimed unlikely entrepreneur. Two decades ago, he arrived in Nashville as a college dropout with a one-year old and another baby on the way. Waiting tables and living...
How to Keep Your Holiday Momentum ALL Year Long
You're going to put a LOT of effort into making this holiday season your best ever for your affiliate program (and your affiliate marketing). Don't waste that effort and let the momentum stop when...
How to Optimize Your Affiliate Program by Partner Type for the Holidays
One of the most important things you can do during the holidays is optimize your affiliate program by partner type. Today, I'll share what to do with four specific types of affiliates: content...
How Your Affiliate Program Can STAND OUT in the Holiday Clutter
This the season...for affiliates to get a LOT of emails. Your affiliate program is not the only one affiliates are promoting this time of year, so what can you do to STAND OUT? Today I share 10 ways...