Affiliates are busier than ever during the holiday season. If you don’t make it easy for them, make your offers convert, and give them what they want and need, you will fail. This episode will help...
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Seth Godin Interview: The Myth of Creativity
Creativity is misunderstood. It's not reserved for a few and it's not something that you must aspire to have or attain. It's yours...whenever you are ready for it. Today's guest, Seth Godin, shares...
Use the Holidays to Find & Recruit Affiliates
The holiday season is the best time of the year to find new affiliates and recruit them to your affiliate program. In this episode, I'll share 4 strategies to help you inject some new life into your...
Holiday Affiliate Program Tip: Know the Important Dates
Do you know all the important dates for your affiliate program this holiday season? Over the past few decades, the list has gotten longer and longer and continues to increase. Today, I’ll share all...
SPECIAL EPISODE: Why Your Message Matters & How to Market Your Message with Jonathan Milligan
Your message matters. That is the theme today. You may not feel that way but it does. And today’s special guest, Jonathan Milligan, is going to share how to define your message, believe in your...
Your 2020 Holiday Season Affiliate Program Prep Starts NOW!
According to the National Retail Federation, about 40% of consumers actually begin their holiday shopping before Halloween. That means if you wait much longer to start preparing your affiliate...