You are only one relationship away from a breakthrough. Connecting with the right people will take your business and life to the next level. You may be more qualified than the competition, but it...
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How Mike Turned His Passion into a Full-Time Business
I want to introduce you to my friend Mike Berry. Mike has 8 kids...all adopted. Today, Mike and his wife Kristin help adoptive parents deal with the stress, overwhelm, and worry that are so...
The Joy is in the Journey
It's so cliché to say that the joy is in the journey and not in the destination, but it is so true. When I look back on my life in sports, business, and overall, I consistently find that the joy is...
My Last Episode EVER Like This
This is the last episode I'm ever doing like this. Today, I'm sharing a recap of one of our best affiliate promotions ever that I did with Mark Sieverkropp. The thing is...this is the last time I'm...
The Constantly Changing World of Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is constantly changing. But keeping up with the times and knowing what's working RIGHT NOW doesn't have to be hard. Today, for our 300th (!!!!) episode, I'll share how you can...
The REAL Definition of Insanity in Online Business
I keep seeing this over and over and it's so pervasive in the online marketing world. People keep learning and learning, but they aren't executing. To me, that is the REAL definition of insanity....