Is there some sort of “secret” psychology with affiliate leaderboards? Well, yes there is. Today, I share why you shouldn’t use an auto-updating leaderboard (thanks to Will Fitzgerald for the question!) and how to get the most out of your leaderboards. I also share some of our “secret sauce” for managing them.
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Why the DIY Mindset is Killing Your Business [PODCAST]
There’s a nearly 250-year-old book that can teach a powerful lesson about our online businesses. Crazy, right? But true. Today, Adam Smith shows us why our DIY mindset is killing our businesses.
Behind-the-Scenes of our Recent Affiliate Launch [PODCAST]
What if you could go behind-the-scenes of a successful affiliate launch? Well, you CAN in today’s episode.
You Have Not Because You ASK Not [PODCAST]
Could there be a single reason why you aren’t experiencing more success in your business and your life? I believe there could be…and it has to do with one simple word: ASK
Can You Make Money Promoting Cheap, Every Day Items as an Affiliate? [PODCAST]
Is it possible to make money as an affiliate when all you promote is cheap, every item (AKA commodities)? That’s the question I got from Jeannette Cobb recently…and what I answer in this episode!
The Importance of Staying on Message (and the Key to Doing So) [PODCAST]
In today’s episode, I share a powerful and important marketing lesson from the Great Communicator, Ronald Reagan. I’m currently reading a biography of Ronald Reagan and one passage really stood out to me about staying on message. It was key to his political career and it’s crucial for your business.