Could there be a single reason why you aren’t experiencing more success in your business and your life? I believe there could be…and it has to do with one simple word: ASK
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Can You Make Money Promoting Cheap, Every Day Items as an Affiliate? [PODCAST]
Is it possible to make money as an affiliate when all you promote is cheap, every item (AKA commodities)? That’s the question I got from Jeannette Cobb recently…and what I answer in this episode!
The Importance of Staying on Message (and the Key to Doing So) [PODCAST]
In today’s episode, I share a powerful and important marketing lesson from the Great Communicator, Ronald Reagan. I’m currently reading a biography of Ronald Reagan and one passage really stood out to me about staying on message. It was key to his political career and it’s crucial for your business.
This ONE Thing is Destroying so Many Online Businesses [PODCAST]
There is one thing that is destroying online businesses…and I see it every day. Today, I share what that one thing is how to avoid it!
How to do Affiliate Marketing on LinkedIn [PODCAST]
I got a great question from Pat Dane recently, who asked about how to use affiliate marketing to monetize his 30,000 connections on LinkedIn. Pat downloaded our free guide called, “How to Win at Affiliate Marketing with Little or No Following.” Make sure you get yours, too. That guide sparked his question. The principles for LinkedIn are universal, so even if you don’t care about LinkedIn, listen to this episode and learn how to make more from affiliate marketing.
How We 5X’d Affiliate Sales in Our Recent Launch
I’ve been somewhat absent from the podcast lately, but with good reason. Our last launch was a HIT and we more than quintupled our sales year-over-year! Today, I’m sharing the #1 reason why and how YOU can dramatically increase your sales as a product owner or an affiliate. Listen up!